
We make carpets


Teppiche mit gewohnten traditionellen Mustern, aber nicht aus typischem Material. Auf dem »we make carpets blog« werden Teppiche aus bekannten, aber für diesen Gebrauch noch nicht gängigen Materialien gezeigt. Von Nudeln, über Pflaster, Luftballons bis hin zu kleinen Senfkörnern, eben Alles von groß bis klein kann einem Teppich Struktur verleihen.

»we make carpets« made its first carpet (forest carpet) during the exhibition »instant nature« on the dutch design week 2009. »forest carpet« initiated the start of a new project: we make carpets. Concentrating on an other use of everyday products »we make carpets« creates temporary contemporary carpets.
The instant way of  working is what connected the designers Stijn van der Vleuten and Marcia Nolte and visual artist Bob Waardenburg. Without a sketch or plan (except for the chosen material) they start working on the carpet, resulting in a concentrated process of laying the materials one by one untill the finished carpet appears.
Fascinated by the great amount of different materials available on the market today, the possebilities for »we make carpets« seem endless. The shape of the chosen materials dictates the pattern of the carpet. The modern materials together with traditional carpet symetry shape the carpets.
