17th Pictoplasma Conference

17th Pictoplasma Conference

Contemporary Character Design and Art

Author: ldenicke

After the success of the first online edition of the legendary Pictoplasma Conference in 2020, which totaled 100,000 views around the globe, the program for the 17th Pictoplasma Conference returns with a stellar line-up, streamed on two parallel channels.

The main program features 35 artists’ talks, studio visits, and personal insights, showing the manifold variety of character design and allowing a glimpse into the ideation and working process of some of the most forward-looking artists. In an open and personal address to the audience, they share how the characters they create came to be, what concepts drive them, who inspires them and what projects they are currently working on.

A second channel features more artists with panel discussions and live workshops, plus 70 animated shorts in four programs.

As a special focus, this edition will take a deeper look at how artists and designers use characters and figurative aesthetics to fight for representation. How can visibility and diversity inform the everyday practice of illustrators and designers? In 2021, can any work be immune to political questions? As many artists use their voice to speak for equality, support minorities, propagate an inclusive attitude or encourage political activism, the program will lead the discussion on the special role characters can play in visual discourse, largely thanks to their pronounced visibility and hyper-empathic quality. The Conference will take place on September 17th and 18th, 2021.

17th Pictoplasma Conference

September 17th and 18th, 2021


Registration is open for € 39.– / € 69.–
Find the full speaker line-up, program, and registration information here.

17th Pictoplasma Conference
