Fabrica is the Benetton Research and Development Communication Centre. Fabrica is housed in a stunning building by Japanese architect Tadao Ando and is situated outside Treviso in North Italy. Led by an international team , Fabrica supports the creative development of young artist/researchers from all over the world. After a tough selection process, Fabrica invites young artists to participate in a range of communication activities, in cinema or graphics, design or music, as part of Colors Magazine, or within interactive or photography.
In its role as a laboratory of applied creativity (its name comes from the Latin word meaning "workshop"), Fabrica deals with new forms of communication, following two key principles: a hands-on approach to training (the young grant holders are invited to "learn by practice"), and a multi-disciplinary approach.
hier ist das cover der vorherigen ausgabe von FAB zu sehen. die neue ist schon unterwegs. es lohnt sich immer diese leute im auge zu behalten, da sie wirklich die einzige interdisplinäre ausbildung der welt geniessen können.