The Asylum / Singapur
Der Stadtstaat Singapur hat ein verdammt schlechtes Image, wenn es um Design geht. Diesem Vorurteil wollte ich nicht so einfach Glauben schenken und habe mich dort auf die Suche gemacht. Es war gar nicht so schwer. Das erste kreative Kleinod, dass ich entdecken konnte ist das New Majestic Designhotel, dass von einem begeisterten Möbelsammler ins Leben wurde. Das Zweite die Ann-Siang Road in Chinatown, hier treffe ich auf die Designagentur The Asylum, die sich dort mitsamt eigenem Design & Musikshop angesiedelt hat.
Interview mit The Asylum Gründer Chris Lee
What do you love about singapore?
It's vicinity to so many other cultures and it's adaptability.
What is your favourite spot in Singapore?
Ann Siang road/Club street area because it's has a lot of the old associations and clubs of the past and also a new lease of life of the new tenants.
How did you start your business?
By chance. After I left my last agency I got a new job in New York and a friend convinced me to stay in Singapore to make a difference.
What is your "dream" project?
I enjoy many of the projects that we work on, we just started a new chocolate brand so u can say it's our new dream project. I like projects with constraints and giving a creative solution to it.
What do you like in Singapore in terms of design?
I like the openness of it, the fact that most designers have their own influences and that there isn't a Singapore style to it.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
Travelling. Being in Singapore exposes us to so many cultures within a close vicinity so I am constantly inspired by the trips I make.