Branded Interactions

Branded Interactions

Volume: 360 pages with over 300 illustrations, diagrams, sample forms and pictograms.
Format: 25.5 x 20.0
Price: 75.00 

Branded Interaction Design (BIxD) – the brand-appropriate design of interactive applications – goes far beyond the visual design. Digital touchpoints are an integral part of current brand communication. The number and form of these brand touchpoints is growing rapidly. Complex user experience designs can only be created in a workflow that closely interlocks conception, design and IT and integrates consistent prototyping and testing. That changes everyday agency life. And the professional profile of the designer.
Katja Wenger and Marco Spies accompany companies on their way through the digital transformation. They know how to make brands credible in the digital space and how to plan and design the user experience in line with the brand. They know the company side from their own start-up experience and pass this knowledge on.
Profound and practical. Structured and understandable. With checklists, tools and valuable practical tips.
This book is a guide and inspiration for anyone involved in designing interactive applications for businesses and brands. It is aimed at beginners and professionals, at creative people and those responsible for brands, at lone fighters and designers in large agencies. It imparts practical knowledge and gives food for thought for a new era.


Katrin Schacke

Format in cm (w × h × d)

25.5 x 20.0






360 pages with over 300 illustrations, diagrams, sample forms and pictograms.




Verlag Hermann Schmidt

Branded Interactions