Visualizing Complexity

Visualizing Complexity

Modular Information Design Handbook

Author: Tessa Breuer

Visualizing data is complex, it depends on a variety of factors to present statistics in an understandable way. The handbook Visualizing Complexity by Nicole Lachenmeier and Darjan Hil can help: At the intersection of design, journalism, communication, and data science, the book opens up new ways of working with abstract data and invites readers to try their hands at information design.

  • New standard work for information design
  • Attractively designed and illustrated manual
  • Innovative presentation solutions for analog and digital media

Nicole Lachenmeier and Darjan Hil condense their extensive professional experience into an illustrated guide that offers a modular design system comprised of 80 elements. Their systematic design methodology makes it possible for anyone to visualize complex data attractively and using different perspectives.

Visualizing Complexity

Publisher: Birkhäuser
Release: May 2022

Languages: English / German
Volume: 224 Pages
Format: 158 × 228 mm
Price: EUR 42.– / CHF 45.–

Visualizing Complexity

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