nomad 15—intelligence

nomad 15—intelligence

Volume: 192 pp.
Format: 23 × 26 × 1.7
Price: 18.00 

In this issue, we delve into the topic of intelligence and the borderlands between artificial and human intelligence. The edition underscores that while AI is remarkable, it lacks human qualities such as empathy, intuition, and ethical judgment. We pose the question of whether AI can assist us in navigating our complex world, despite its limitations.

Renowned designers such as Philippe Starck, Martino Gamper, and the distinguished artist Trevor Paglen offer their insights, shedding light on the intersection of AI with creativity, design, and consciousness expansion. Let's contemplate the profound impact that artificial intelligence will have on our lives and the development of our society, as discussed by different pioneers, role figures, and visionaries, including CD of Sahco and Magniberg Bengt Thornefors, multidisciplinary designer and researcher Madeline Gannon, and the one and only Alice Rawsthorn.

Publisher gmbh


Veronika Kinczli und Frank Wagner, gmbh


192 pp.



Format in cm (w × h × d)

23 × 26 × 1.7



nomad 15—intelligence