Geometrically Speaking

Geometrically Speaking

Release: 05/2024
Volume: 176 pages
Format: 17 × 23,5
Price: 25.00 

Imagine if we could see all the logos ever designed in the world and they became part of our collective memory. Where have all those preliminary studies, rejected designs and millions of files gone? Are they hidden away in huge data centres somewhere on the planet, never to see the light of day again? Could they give us a different perspective on the history of graphic design? Either way, it would make us even more humble. Imagine if there were no more grey compromises? Or if those universally hated pitches were banned? Undoubtedly, there are masses of sketches where graphic designers have done their best work. Perhaps it is this search that makes a graphic designer a ‘real’ graphic designer. We delved into one studio’s well-preserved digital archive, spanning 30 years, and discovered a wealth of logos by designers searching for new solutions and developing an eclectic geometric interplay of letters and shapes.

This book presents nearly a thousand logo designs by the Brussels-based studio visionandfactory and its founder, Hugo Puttaert.


Not Yet. Publishers


176 pages

Format in cm (w × h × d)

17 × 23,5







Geometrically Speaking