Design als Haltung
Handlungsfelder jenseits des Kommerziellen
The recently published book Design als Haltung (“Design as an attitude”) by Ulrike Brückner and Bianca Herlo demonstrates that design is much more than advertising, editorial work, and aesthetics. When design no longer sees itself solely as a service, it can become a powerful tool: in shaping politics and society, the world we live in and the way we interact with each other.
However in recent decades, design has been primarily focused on creating desires and driving consumption. This concept emerged during the economic boom and reached its peak in the era of booming stock markets and neoliberal economic systems. Today, we look with horror at the environmental destruction, the division of society and the strengthening of the political fringes as consequences of this economic system. Time to break new ground! Design and society are deeply interconnected. It influences how people interact with each other and how they behave in the designed environment.
This book paves the way for a new understanding of design that focusses on the process in an open-ended and integrative way, is oriented towards togetherness and does not serve turbo capitalism. Because design can change the world for the better. And because design, understood in this way, gives life more meaning.
Design als Haltung – Handlungsfelder jenseits des Kommerziellen
Publisher: Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Editors: Ulrike Brückner, Bianca Herlo
Design: Serve and Volley (Klaus Neuburg & Simon Roth)
Release: November 2024
Format: 14,5 × 21,9 cm
Volume: 196 pages
Language: German
Printing: Printed in full color throughout on high-volume natural paper with the EU Eco-Label and FSC certification.
Workmanship: Thread-stitched Swiss brochure for good impact behaviour
ISBN: 978-3-87439-977-7
Price: €35.– (DE)