BEYOND Filmfestival 2020

BEYOND Filmfestival 2020

Climate Change

Author: Clara Weinreich

At the 9th International Symposium-Future Design and Film Festival-Climate Change from July 23rd to 26th BEYOND Filmfestival 2020 will stage a triad of science, art and technology with the aim to create a better future.

Both events, Film Festival and Symposium will be broadcasted virtually, live and online worldwide. Take a look at the program here.

The climate crisis and the crisis of imminent ecological collapse not only affect the nature we live in, but our economic, political, social and technological systems. The climate crisis is a crisis of contemporary global civilization and therefore also a task for art.

This year, BEYOND Film Festival Future Design therefore focuses on climate change and its effects. National and international films that deal with ecological and social problems, films that force society, politics and companies to think and above all to act, films that create new narratives and ideas for the 21st century and design alternative futures are welcome. Discover all movies here.

The symposium will be translated live into several languages using the artificial intelligence Lecture Translator developed at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).

BEYOND Filmfestival 2020

July 23rd to 26th, 2020


Get your ticket here

BEYOND Filmfestival 2020

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