Brandes Interactions, Drainting, Frei – Selbstständig arbeiten als Designer

New publications at Hermann Schmidt

Author: Slanted editors

Today we would like to present three publications from the publishing house Herrmann Schmidt: Branded Interactions, Drainting and Frei – Selbstständig arbeiten als Designer.

Branded Interaction Design (BIxD)—the brand-compatible design of interactive applications—goes far beyond visual design. Digital touchpoints are integral components of current brand communication. The number and shape of these brand contact points is growing rapidly. To play on them coherently in the sense of the brand presents companies and agencies with new challenges. Complex user experience designs can only be created in a workflow that closely intermeshes conception, design and IT and integrates consistent prototyping and testing. This changes everyday agency life. And the job description of the designer. With their agency think moto, Katja Wenger and Marco Spies accompany well-known companies on their way through digital transformation.

Brandes Interactions

Author: Katja Wenger, Marco Spies
Design: Katrin Schacke
Volume: 360 pages with over 300 illustrations, diagrams, sample forms and pictograms
Format: 20 × 26,5 cm
Bookbinding: Thread-stitched stiff brochure
Workmanship: Printed throughout in three special colours, thread-stitched bright white stiff brochure with round back, two-colour screen printing, two-colour softouch cover, with three-sided turquoise-green leaf cut
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-87439-907-4
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Drainting is what Felix Scheinberger calls the intuitive combination of painting and drawing. In this way he cancels the centuries-old separation between painting surfaces and drawing lines, which is now completely unnecessary, and combines the best of both worlds. As long as you were a child, you used the paint box to paint surfaces and pencils to draw details or lines. Intuitively and naturally.

Then one learned the difference between “drawing” and “painting” and with that the difficulties began. Where there are no outlines at all, it is necessary to find them abstractly. This means that you have to grasp everything with the first strokes: Proportion and perspective, contrast and texture, the big picture and the details. Because this rarely succeeds, frustration is inevitable. Painting and drawing become Drainting!


Author: Felix Scheinberger
Format: 21 × 24 cm
Length: 160 pages
Workmanship: Thread-stitched half-linen tape
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-87439-897-8
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In 17 “digestible” chapters Nicolas Uphaus guides you to the start and through a final check phase before jumping into independence. He even supports you with the actual foundation. The experienced guide through the mountain of documents, which you have to keep an overview of at this moment. Then he can start his everyday life. Here you lay the foundations for easy order or chaos that will eat you up sooner or later. If you create good structures here, you will later have time for what you actually want: to create!

Frei – Selbstständig arbeiten als Designer

Author: Nicolas Uphaus
Design and illustrations: Anna Lindner on a basic concept by Roland Stieger and Matthias Christ
Release date: October 2018
Format: 16,7 × 24 cm
Volume: 336 pages
Workmanship: Embossed half-linen tape with a wrapping paper cover made of Muscat recycling paper and punched handle register
Language: German
ISBN: 978-3-87439-892-3
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