Buchbinderei Spinner
Don’t forget the bookbinders …
We were recently allowed to take a look at the bookbindery Spinner in Ottersweier in the northern Black Forest, which has been binding Slanted Magazine and lots of our books for many years.
Hard and soft covers have been produced there by around 75 employees for more than six decades. The family-owned company is in its third generation and always holds true to its vision of pushing the limits of what is possible in the production of its products.
Many art books on the (German) market have received their final form here after printing and it is fascinating to see how many individual steps, how much glue and/or thread, cardboard and covers are necessary until a publication is finished.
Bookbinding is a fascinating craft that is often given too little attention in the production of books. Perhaps with this small insight we can direct the focus once again ...
Have a look at their website (German only) and get some insights on Instagram