Freistil 6 – The Book of Illustrators
Few technical developments have changed and shaped people's culture and consciousness as much as the invention of printing by Johannes Gutenberg. But do you know Tim Berners-Lee? In decades, people will recognize him as groundbreaking and transforming society, because he is considered one of the most important pioneers of the World Wide Web.
If one can believe the scientists, then in the coming decades, above all, three topics will concern us sustainably; Globalization, democratization and digitization. For all three, the Internet plays a key role. And even though many self-proclaimed entrepreneurs have smiled at the Federal Chancellor's sentence, one can still hold on to the German-speaking world in particular that development is still in its infancy.
Today, for the first time in 500 years, communication has fallen behind the technical developments, as can be seen in various daredevil attempts at reinterpretations (for example, the airless chimera called "content marketing"), as well as in the loss of confidence towards politicians and journalists & more and more artists & creators. A horror scenario? No, a chance that only comes every 500 years!
Only ideas can fill the spaces that have arisen here. Only content gives the media the right to exist and only quality has a chance to assert itself in gif-thunderstorms. The work in this book makes me very optimistic that a new generation of drafts has developed here, which is more than adequate for this task & I look forward together to a future in which creativity can develop its full power in the first place!
Text: Raban Ruddigkeit, publisher FREISTIL—The Book of Illustrators
FREISTIL 6 - The Book of Illustrators
Publisher: Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Editor: Raban Ruddigkeit
Designer & Editor: Sarah Schnurbus
Interviews with the curators Gabriele Dünwald, Mario Lombardo & Nadine Roßa
Extent: 368 pages with over 400 colored illustrations by 150 illustrators
Format: 17.2 × 24 cm
Text: German / English
Design: Thread-stitched hardcover, bound in metallic glass fiber paper
with embossing and with reflective fore and aft
ISBN: 978-3-87439-896-1
Price: 39.80 euros