FURE Conference 2023
The Future of Reading
After a break of more than two years due to the Corona pandemic, FURE Conference 2023 looks forward to welcoming you back on March 17th, 2023.
There are more texts in this world than ever before. Mankind is writing and reading more than ever: books, reports, newspapers, blogs, tweets, and even WhatsApp messages. A logical conclusion therefore must be: Things can’t be all that bad in terms of reading ability—the constant warning about a decrease in reading competence is perhaps more the lament of a pack of cultural pessimists after all.
On the other hand, it is not only what we read that changes us, but also how we read. We still know too little about how the digital age is changing us and how we can shape the transition to the new technology.
What new roles can print take on in the age of digitization? What are the ideas and possibilities in digital reading? How do the two media influence each other, both positively and negatively? How is our reading behavior changing? How can reading hold its own against other technologies such as playing games, listening, or watching?
For the possible answers to all these questions, FURE was created as a platform for theory and practice to create space for statements, visions, and positions of designers, media professionals, and creative people.
FURE Conference 2023
March 17th, 2023
MSD—Münster School of Design, FH Münster
Leonardo-Campus 6
48149 Münster
Get your ticket here