FURE—The Future of Reading 2019

Author: Clara Weinreich

FURE—The Future of Reading, this year on November 22nd in its third edition, will present twelve lectures.

The conference focuses on the chances and challenges of the changing media world. What roles can print media take over in times of digitalization? What ideas and opportunities does digital reading hold? How does our reading behavior change? How can reading defend itself against other cultural techniques like playing, listening or watching? FURE offers room for statements, visions and positions by established and up-and-coming designers.

This year’s speakers are Rayan Abdullah, Philippe Großmann, Rosalie Heinen, Arthur Jakobs, Boris Kochan, Saskia Kraft, Albert-Jan Pool, Malin Schulz, Björn Schumacher, Leonie Schäffer, Henning Skibbe, Roland Stieger, and Frances Uckermann.

FURE – The Future of Reading 2019

November 22nd, 2019
9 a.m. until 7:45 p.m.

MSD – Münster School of Design
Leonardo-Campus 6 
48149 Münster

Professionals from 69,– Euros + VAT (early bird)

Students from 35,– Euros without VAT (early bird)

Get more information about the event here.


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