Get Closer

The game where you win each other

Author: macrimiruna

Closer is a game, yet it’s anything but competition. The only thing you can win is time well spent together, new friends honest stories and occasional giggles.

At a time when everything is super-fast, super-shared and super-connected, let’s take a deep breath together and talk to each other. At a time defined by selfies, by me, me, me, myself and I, let’s talk about us.

While it looks merely like a game, Closer is designed to be much more than that—and the choice is entirely yours. Closer can be about your memories, your stories, your past, your aspirations, your future.

Closer is a connection booster: it’s like a paper book in the age of Kindles, it is like a green tree in a concrete parking lot, it is like a good heart to heart chat in a world full of emails. It will make you listen, laugh and love a little more.


Idea and Design: Lateral
Price: 45.– US$

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