komma #22 / System

komma #22


Author: Clara Weinreich

The 22nd issue of komma magazine deals with the topic »system«. Systems can be found in our society, our individual realities or many other different
zones you could possibly think of. Komma 22 separates itself in a special way from its previous issues. It is a division of individual printed products. A newspaper, in which the student works can be found. There can also be found a leporello honoring the yearly exhibition of the faculty of applied sciences, which is held in the Mannheimer Kunstverein. On the whole, the magazine assembles student works, bachelor and master degree studies, artworks and texts, as well submissions by external artists, designers and design studios.

We are giving away 5 times one copy of the magazine. To take part in the lottery, just send an email to [email protected], subject “komma 22” until November 26th, 2018, 11 a.m. (UTC+1) and add your postal address for shipping. There is no right of appeal. When taking part, you agree to our privacy policy. Good luck!

komma #22

Publisher: University Mannheim, Department Design, komma Redaktion
Design: Bianca Werdan, Sarah Zink, Natalie Letschert, Kerstin Sebesta, Lisa Hexamer, Cora Pereghy, and Maximilian Borchardt
Release: June 2018
Dimensions: Visual part: 31,5 × 47 cm, Essays: 28 × 15,2 cm, Leporello: 14 × 19 cm, Poster: DIN A2
Price: free

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komma #22 / System

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