Words Form Language

On Concrete Poetry, Typography, and the Work of Eugen Gomringer
Words Form Language is a book on concrete poetry, typography, and the work of Eugen Gomringer. This publication was realized with the support…

Slanted in Stockholm: Kölqvist

Slanted Magazine #39—Stockholm
When visiting Stockholm in the summer of 2021, we took a close look at the contemporary design scene. We were happy to…

Typeface of the Month: Laca Pro

By Nova Type Foundry
This month’s Typeface of the Month: Laca Pro is a sans serif typeface by Nova Type Foundry. Laca Pro is a sans…

High Noon #65 Special with Na Kim

Talk at the Faculty of Design in Darmstadt
High Noon #65 Special with Na Kim will take place on June 15th, 2022, at the Faculty of Design in Darmstadt. At…

Cercle Magazine #10

Conversations & Images
The Cercle Magazine #10 is an independent and thematic magazine published once a year. Every year, a new issue. Each issue, a new topic.…

Slanted in Stockholm: Paul & friends

Slanted Magazine #39—Stockholm
When visiting Stockholm in the summer of 2021, we took a close look at the contemporary design scene. We were happy to…

GRANSHAN Signs of the times 2022

Conference and Ceremony Review
On May 20th and 21st the GRANSHAN Signs of the times 2022 conference and ceremony took place in Munich. We were able…


LETS CHANGE THE NARRATIVE. Reload.Earth believes the solutions to our climate crisis are out there. Relod.Earth also believes our global creative community…

American Bauhaus

By Erik Schmitt
American Bauhaus creates a unique space for the history of Black Mountain College, which provided a new creative home for many World…

6-months Internships at Slanted Publishers

Bis 8. Juni bewerben!
Wir vergeben zwei 6-monatige Praktika ab Herbst 2022 in den Bereichen – A) Redaktion/Grafik und – B) Redaktion/Verlagswesen und suchen je eine/n…

Slanted in Stockholm: ACNE

Slanted Magazine #39—Stockholm
When visiting Stockholm in the summer of 2021, we took a close look at the contemporary design scene. We were happy to…

27. Leipziger Typotage 2022

We had the honor to take part in the 27. Leipziger Typotage 2022 on Saturday, May 14th. It was a day full…

Werkschau 2022 Mannheim

From today until May 24th, the Werkschau 2022 Mannheim will display the highlights of the semester and final projects created during the…

Slow Reader

A Resource for Design Thinking and Practice
Slow Reader by Ana Paula Pais is a resource for design thinking and practice and is now available at Slanted Shop! Slow…


A Selection of Personal Analog Photography
Dominik Schubert’s latest project is called MONTHS, and it consists of a selection of his personal analog photography that he spiced up…

Otl Aicher 100 Jahre 100 Plakate

Exhibition in Honor of a Great Designer
With the exhibition Otl Aicher 100 Jahre 100 Plakate (engl. Otl Aicher 100 Years 100 Posters) the HfG-Archiv / Museum Ulm honors…

undoing type

lesen verlernen
We live in a bubble of readability: Type is an everyday tool—our communication and even our digital images and videos are based…

Nice Superfamily

By Fontwerk
Fontwerk’s latest addition to their library, Nice Superfamily is a complex type system with an enormous range of typographic possibilities. Thanks to…
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