Call for Entries Yearbook of Type 2022/23

Become Part of the Upcoming Edition
Here we go again: After the success of the first five editions, the Call for Entries for the Yearbook of Type 2022/23…


This year, the Executive Board and the active team of the tgm (Typografische Gesellschaft München) will once again present their ambitious training…

The End of My Beginning

By Jamal Cyrus
Today we'd like to introduce you to The End of My Beginning, the first full-length monograph of artist Jamal Cyrus. As the…

Tag der Schrift 2022

Conference About Typography
The Tag der Schrift 2022 is an annual joint educational event organized by the Schule für Gestaltung Zürich and the syndicom trade…


Guide to Gender-Sensitive Language and Typography
The German publishing house form just published Typohacks by Hannah Witte, the first guide for gender-sensitive typography in the German language. As…

33 Letters for Ukraine

As a Sign of Solidarity
We would like you to join the initiative called 33 Letters for Ukraine. It’s a spontaneous and independent event inspired by 36…

Open Letter From Russian Creatives

Joint Statement by Slanted, Form, Page, and Grafikmagazin
We have received an open letter from Russian creatives, designers, and illustrators, whose names are not known, which they addressed to their…

Re: New European Bauhaus

For a Just Design of Climate Politics
Klasse Klima of UDK Berlin invites you to join the digital symposium Re: New European Bauhaus. For A Just Design of Climate…

Siebdruck Zu Hause & Frische Luft

by Verlag Hermann Schmidt
Siebdruck Zu Hause & Frische Luft by Pippa Parragh and Sebastian Jung have been published at Verlag Hermann Schmidt. Both books are…

Typeface of the Month: Lausanne Pan

You can almost smell the spring already. March is here and with it a new inspiring Typeface of the Month: Lausanne Pan.…

27. Leipziger Typotage 2022

Typography and Movement
The 27. Leipziger Typotage 2022—Typography and Movement will take place in Leipzig in the Museum für Druckkunst on May 14th. The world…


Typeface by ARTHELPS in Ukraine
ARTHELPS has been committed to helping children and young people in Eastern Ukraine for two years now. Children from the Donetsk region…

Forward Online Festival 2022

Back With Oliviero Toscani, Paula Scher, Mirko Borsche & Many More
We are excited to announce that the Forward Online Festival 2022 will take place in March again. Slanted is offering one ticket…

Mono Moment

Monospace Type Design
Monospaced fonts are fascinating! Mono Moment is aimed at type designers typographers and designers, but also at people who are dealing with…


by Emtype Foundry
Get to know the Art Déco inspired typeface Classike by Emtype Foundry which adds an exclusive touch to your design. Classike is…

Call for Papers

Apply Now With Games Design, Game Forms, and Toys of Industrial Culture
The GfDg—Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte (Society for the History of Design) invites you to participate in their Call for Papers for the competition…

Olivetti Identities

Spaces and Languages 1933–1983
Olivetti Identities by Davide Fornari and Davide Turrini presents the results of an interdisciplinary research project by ECAL and the University of…

Video Series for

Motion Design Video to Preserve the Planet is a creative design studio based in Italy, which has created a motion design video series for exploring the things…

Off the Grid

Histories of Belgian Graphic Design
Today we would like to present you the book Off the Grid. This book has been edited by Sara De Bondt and…

Super Tramp

Encouraging Empathy Through Type
The typeface Super Tramp by Vivian Dehning is a serif font, which pridefully takes up space with wide letterforms, generous tracking, and…
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