4th Session TypeTechMeetUpType, Design, and Society The final and 4th Session TypeTechMeetUp with the Type, Design, and Society theme will take place on November 19th, 2021, starting at… 09.11.2021 – eventstypography
Junge Grafik N°1It’s a Wrap The board members of the Junge Grafik association invested more than two years of preparation for this moment. “It is great to… 08.11.2021 – designeducationmiscellaneous
Typodarium 2022A 365 Day Type Calendar The Typodarium 2022—a classic among type calendars brings type inspiration day by day. 248 type designers from 35 countries all over the… 05.11.2021 – designpublicationstypography
WochenenderTravel Book Series The books of the Wochenender series are companions for trips and short getaways to great areas that are not far from the… 04.11.2021 – photographypublications
Medienhaus Lectures 2021Performance. Performance? Performance! Among other things, design is always performance. The Medienhaus Lectures 2021 take a look at performance in design beyond the moment of… 03.11.2021 – designeducationevents
Typeface of the Month: Everett MonoBy TYPE.WELTKERN® With the month of November, we want to introduce you to our new Typeface of the Month: Everett Mono. The monospace version… 02.11.2021 – typography
Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021Review The Frankfurter Buchmesse 2021 is the world’s most important book fair, as well as an outstanding social and cultural event. This year… 29.10.2021 – designeventsmiscellaneouspublications
Film Festival Cologne—Die Macht der Bilder For anyone for whom the digital Film Festival Cologne is not enough, the matching print magazine Film Festival Cologne—Die Macht der Bilder… 28.10.2021 – designpublications
PleasureBy Pizza Typefaces With great “pleasure” we would like to introduce you to the newly released typeface Pleasure by Pizza Typefaces. The Pleasure font is… 27.10.2021 – typography
Slanted Magazine #38—COLOURSAutumn/Winter 2021/22 Joan Miro said: “I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music.” Ultimately, Slanted Magazine #38—Colours… 26.10.2021 – designillustrationphotographypublicationstypography
The Kinship MethodExperiment, Design Therapy, and Alternative Design Production If you are interested in processes, artistic work, design, and its place within production this book is a perfect fit! Through experiments,… 25.10.2021 – designpublications
Frankfurt Airport, April 2020Marc Krause Frankfurt Airport, April 2020 is a book that captures the surreal time in the pandemic year 2020 and takes an unusual look… 22.10.2021 – photographypublications
BrikBy The Designers Foundry Today we would like to share a new typeface with you. BurnType Studio and Foundry in collaboration with The Designers Foundry, proudly… 21.10.2021 – typography
Kiss the MessengerCommunication for Creatives We are happy to announce that Kiss the Messenger — Communication for Creatives is now available at Slanted Shop! The publication is a… 20.10.2021 – designpublications
magCulture Live 2021The Annual Magazine Conference Returns—In Real Life! After a year on hiatus, (physically at least — magCulture Live 2020 was held over Zoom à la lockdown) magCulture Live is… 19.10.2021 – designeventspublications
The Lost Writings of James Douglas MorrisonThree-Part Book Series Broken into three volumes, The Lost Writings of James Douglas Morrison is a collection of poems, notebook entries, and recitals written by… 18.10.2021 – designeducationpublications
FORMAT #27 WutStudent Magazine at HfG Gmünd FORMAT is the design magazine of the students of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. It is written, designed, and published by the students… 15.10.2021 – designeducationpublications
Druck und Design KonferenzRecap Last Thursday, after a 2-year break, the Druck und Design Konferenz (Print and Design Conference) took place at the Literaturhaus in Munich.… 14.10.2021 – designevents
Basics Blog Post #03Design Principles We are happy to share with you that the editorial team of last year’s basics course at the Berlin University of the… 13.10.2021 – designeducationpublications
New Ucity ProBy Fatype We would like to present you the new Ucity Pro by Fatype, a digital type foundry established in 2012 by Yassin Baggar… 12.10.2021 – typography