Stiftung Buchkunst: Call for Entries 2021 

The Best German Book Design and a Prize for Young Book Designers
The Stiftung Buchkunst (Engl.: Foundation for Book Design) invites you to participate in two of their competitions Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher 2021…

Parcours Winter 2021

Virtual Bachelor and Master Exhibition—Münster School of Design
Parcours are Us!—On the exhibition Parcours Winter 2021. Despite the difficulties and limitations that the current situation around Corona still brings to…

TypeTech MeetUp—Second Session

Multiscript and Web Typography Conference
The TypeTech MeetUp—Second Session with the theme Multiscript and Web typography will take place on February 26th, 2021, starting at 4:30 p.m.…


Issue #1 “FLAT”
INDEX is a publication series, library, and collaborative community based on continual remix, input, and output from an open-source, managed library of…


How to Become Successful with Your Own Atelier
The publication Spring! Der Traum vom erfolgreichen eigenen Atelier – und der sichere Weg dorthin is now available at Slanted Shop. Guide to independence!…

Related Stories

3D Video Series
The Lebanon based studio JPAG made a beautiful 3D video series called Related Stories. The series, containing of four scenes, with four…


Second “Specimag” by Character Type
character#02 is the second specimag by Character Type—a blend of type magazine and a typeface specimen. Their rich archive of collected typeface…

Into the Wild—Designrundgang Offenbach

Digital Edition
For five years now, Into the Wild—Designrundgang has been opening annually the doors to a diverse set of agencies and design studios…

Four Worlds

Tapestries as Printed Leporellos
The work Four Worlds displays four tapestries of artist and designer Hannah Waldron on paper. It was published on the occasion of…

Systematic Book Design?

By Jost Hochuli
Systematic Book Design? was written for a lecture the Swiss typographer and graphic designer Jost Hochuli gave for the first time in…


Modular Geometric Type System
Diode is a modular geometric type system developed by MuirMcNeil, a London-based graphic design studio working in visual identity, brand communications, and…

Now, please follow me

Eine kritische Designforschung
The publication Now, please follow me – Eine kritische Designforschung is now available at Slanted Shop. Critical design is a form of…

Online Exhibition “Like Fish in the Sea”

Hungarian Creatives on Freelancing
Nearly 40 Hungarian artists, graphic designers, illustrators, and animation directors displayed how they perceive the freelancing lifestyle in the online exhibition Like…


Virtual Exhibition Space
Disruptive Type is a new virtual exhibition space showcasing the amazing variety of letterforms within the disruptive culture amongst contemporary type designers.…

Focus Ex

A Digital Tool for People with ADHD
Focus Ex is a tool that helps users to read digital texts. It was primarily designed based on the needs of people…


Corona Virus Awareness Poster Project
The project SOCIAL AWARENESS POSTERS started in April 2020, during the first world wide wave of Corona Virus. Besides a few other…

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum in Stuttgart

Catalog of all Public Art Spaces Stuttgart
What counts as art in public space and what does not? To what extent does this influence or change our social life?…

A is A is A

Exhibition of the Smallest but Also Most Interesting Parts of Typography
When it comes to analyzing typography it is not only about serif or sans serif, alternating strokes, their widths, proportionality or equal…


A Modular, Hypnotic Display Typeface by in-House International
Just like in music, great rhythm of typefaces is essential. Great rhythm feels tight and professional, while bad rhythm appears too bad…
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