Slanted in L.A.: Rob Carmichael / SEENSlanted Magazine #35—L.A. In a town like L.A. and on a production like Slanted’s, which brings together the material for a magazine, not everything has… 28.07.2020 – designmiscellaneous
Eye 100Celebrating Graphic Design since 100 Issues After nearly three decades of continuous publishing, Eye’s hundredth issue is a special called Talking about graphic design, a broad overview of… 27.07.2020 – designpublications
DO YOU READ ME? & BuchhandlungenNew Publications Celebrating Book Shops Worldwide DO YOU READ ME? Bookshops are not the only places where books are sold. They are places of togetherness in a neighborhood… 24.07.2020 – photographypublications
The Unheard ArchiveUnderrepresented Voices of Design in South Korea The Unheard Archive is the outcome of an oral history project initiated by Zara Arshad in May 2019. This project entailed reflecting… 23.07.2020 – designmiscellaneous
Absolute EgyptVisual Culture of Egypt Absolute Egypt book is a documentation of the local visual culture through the lens of graphic design in the local older areas… 22.07.2020 – designpublicationstypography
BEYOND Filmfestival 2020Climate Change At the 9th International Symposium-Future Design and Film Festival-Climate Change from July 23rd to 26th BEYOND Filmfestival 2020 will stage a triad… 21.07.2020 – eventsmiscellaneous
A Shift in PerspectiveAn Investigation into Creativity from Constraint The discipline of visual communication, similar to many others, underlies a great deal of pressure, as it involves a high need for… 20.07.2020 – designpublications
Moholy-Nagy 125A homage to László Moholy-Nagy in celebration of his 125th birthday László Moholy-Nagy, the great intellectual and technical innovator and world-famous Hungarian artist was born on July 20, 125 years ago. His oeuvre… 18.07.2020 – designeducationevents
Shape GrammarsBy Jannis Maroscheck How can unique pieces be mass produced? Or: How can the computer take over and support creative work? Sol LeWitt writes in… 17.07.2020 – designpublications
George Hardie ExhibitionMore than 50 years abundant graphic vocabulary At a dinner party some years ago a fellow guest asked George Hardie what he did for a living. The acclaimed English… 16.07.2020 – designevents
Slanted Special Issue Rhineland-PalatinateSummer / Autumn 2020 Above all, Rhineland-Palatinate stands out for its wine with 65 percent of German wine being produced there. But what about design? Following… 15.07.2020 – designpublications
SchwarzdenkerA wickedly self-deprecating view of today’s creative industry Schwarzdenker offers a wickedly self-deprecating view of today’s creative industry. For designers, for all the future potential designers, and for their parents… 14.07.2020 – designpublications
Yearbook 2019: PositionBurg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design The current yearbook of the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design provides insights into the institution under the topic “Position” and… 13.07.2020 – designeducationpublications
Arponaby Floodfonts Arpona is a typeface for anyone who prefers to stand out from the crowd, than to go with the flow. It comes… 10.07.2020 – typography
Yearbook 100 Beste Plakate 19 Every year the association 100 Beste Plakate e. V. presents awards to honor the most innovative and trendsetting poster designs from Germany,… 09.07.2020 – designpublications
Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design: Rundgang 2020Annual Student Exhibition Once again, the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK Stuttgart) is hosting the annual “Rundgang”—a diverse exhibition of the students’… 08.07.2020 – designeducationeventsillustrationphotography
Permanently Improvised15 Years of Urban Print Collage Permanently Improvised: 15 Years of Urban Print Collage! The artist duo Various & Gould has been an integral part of Berlin’s Urban… 07.07.2020 – publications
Universal SpecimenMultilingual typesetting tool Universal Specimen is a new tool for previewing and evaluating fonts in multiple languages. It helps designers preview and evaluate their fonts… 06.07.2020 – typography
reGeneration 4The Challenges of Photography and its Museum for Tomorrow Every five years since 2005, the Musée de l’Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland, has staged an exhibition to review tendencies and look at… 03.07.2020 – photographypublications
ONE HamburgHamburg’s first social TV platform Defying the current crisis with optimism: ONE Hamburg is a bright example. Since concert halls are closed, just like stadiums and stages,… 02.07.2020 – miscellaneous