Slanted in Rwanda: Jacques Nkinzingabo / Kigali Center for PhotographySpecial Issue Rwanda For our special issue Slanted Rwanda we traveled to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, in February 2019 and met numerous designers and… 05.11.2019 – designinterview
Typeface of the Month: Blacker Proby Zetafonts Blacker Pro is the result of a journey into the history of the “Evil Serifs,” whose origins date back to the 15th… 04.11.2019 – typography
Bauhaus 4.0 meets Typography & Web DesignUniversal and integrative In search of the interface of tomorrow. According to the Federal Ministry of the Interior, accessibility takes place in Arial. Period. But… 01.11.2019 – designeventsnews
Druck und Design ConferenceRecap Last week the Druck und Design Conference took place in Munich, which was initiated by the Verband Druck und Medien Bayern and… 31.10.2019 – designevents
Deer Henry Three-dimensional fine papers? Deer Henry from is simply put together. Inside with a stable construction made of corrugated cardboard, outside with… 30.10.2019 – designlottery
Zukunft. Design!100 Years of BDG How much design is in the future, how much future in design? How is our society reflected in the communication of advertising,… 29.10.2019 – designeventslottery
Slanted in Rwanda: Innocent Nkurunziza / Inema Arts CenterSpecial Issue Rwanda For our special issue Slanted Rwanda we traveled to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, in February 2019 and met numerous designers and… 28.10.2019 – designinterview
Im wahrsten Sinne des ZeichensSigns of intelligence in Leipzig A giant puzzle as a game with meaning, consisting of symbols, icons, and pictograms—hieroglyphics of our time, familiar to us from traffic… 26.10.2019 – designeventsnews
Injurial205TF Injurial was designed by Sandrine Nugue during the editorial design of a novel by Boll, published by Tripode, in 2014. This humorous… 25.10.2019 – typography
Akademische Mitteilungen#24 Heimat Homeland is an ambivalent word. For some it is a synonym for security, identity, self-evidence and is able to give them orientation.… 24.10.2019 – publications
Yearbook of Type 2019/20Out now! At a time when it has never been easier to design, publish, and distribute typefaces, standing out as a designer is now… 23.10.2019 – designpublicationstypography
Frankfurt Book Fair 2019Impressions This year we were at the 71st Frankfurt Book Fair and have looked around for you in hall 4.1 to discover new… 22.10.2019 – news
Slanted in Rwanda: Matthew Rugamba / House of TayoSpecial Issue Rwanda For our Special Issue Slanted Rwanda we traveled to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, in February 2019 and met numerous designers and… 21.10.2019 – designinterview
Bridge Head and TextTypeMates Bridge Text and Head, a rocking duo for sparkling stories in a crisp tone and a must-have for expressive editorial typography! Bridge… 18.10.2019 – designpublicationstypography
Slanted in Rwanda: Pierra Ntayombya / Haute BasoSpecial Issue Rwanda For our special issue Slanted Rwanda we traveled to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, in February 2019 and met numerous designers and… 16.10.2019 – designinterview
komma Magazine Special Edition – Spam komma is a student magazine of the Faculty of Design at Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. The komma Magazine Special Edition which… 15.10.2019 – designeducationlotterypublications
Designers’ Open 2019With the graphic conference POSITIONS From October 25th–27th, 2019 Leipzig will once again be all about design, then the Designers’ Open at KONGRESSHALLE am Zoo Leipzig will… 14.10.2019 – eventslotterynews
Typodarium 2020 Brexit and Trump’s Wall—it seems that borders around the world are currently being closed rather than permeable. It’s a good thing that… 11.10.2019 – designtypography
Eastern Design Conference 2019A place where global design meets local context Eastern Design Conference focuses on design and its context—on people and places, their connections, origin stories, and history. With this in mind,… 10.10.2019 – designeventstypography
BFF Magazine #9Special Poster Issue The 50th anniversary of the BFF is celebrated with a very special issue of the magazine: The photographers present their best pictures… 09.10.2019 – photographypublications