PULP – Patrick Thomas

Exhibition in Berlin
PULP is the title of a new body of work made by Patrick Thomas in response to the reality of living in…


in der Winkeldruckerey Speyer
The Speyerer Winkeldruckerey is dedicated to experimental typography and artistic hand pressure. Graphic works are created at the printer weekends held once…

Typeface of the Month: Monterchi

by Zetafonts
Monterchi is an ode to the typefaces of the early Renaissance and their detailed ornaments, ligatures, and constructed geometric beauty. With Monterchi,…

The International Biennal Poster Design Terras Gauda

14th edition
The International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gauda—Francisco Mantecón Competition is celebrating its 14th edition this year with 16,000 € prizes. More than…

ADC Design Experience

Insta vs Industry – What does the future of design look like?
On November 13th 2019, the ADC Design Experience will be back for another round of inspiring talks and workshops at Neues Schloss…

The Franfurt Art Experience

Art Experience Walks – Art Experience Talks - 25. Saisonstart der Frankfurter Galerien – Paper Positions Frankfurt
THE FRANKFURT ART EXPERIENCE celebrates its premiere and the 25th start of the season of the Frankfurt Galleries from the 6th to…

Interview with Noa Snir

A graphic artist from Tel Aviv
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…

László Moholy-Nagy und die Neue Typografie

Rekonstruktion einer Ausstellung – Berlin 1929
From August 29th to September 15th, 2019, the Kunstbibliothek Berlin is inviting visitors to the exhibition “László Moholy-Nagy und die Neue Typografie,…

FURE—The Future of Reading 2019

FURE—The Future of Reading, this year on November 22nd in its third edition, will present twelve lectures. The conference focuses on the chances…


Classic edition in erotic company
The popular classic PHOTODARIUM is now appearing for the eighth time and will delight us day after day in 2020 with an…

Moholy-Nagy and the New Typography

A—Z, a new Bauhaus publication
A while ago I heard of a publication that would deal with the recently discovered exhibition panels by Moholy-Nagy, which he originally…

Porto Design Biennale 2019

Post Millennium Tension
Porto Design Biennale intends to promote, revitalize and internationalize the thinking and practice in design. The first edition will take place between…


Schick Toikka
Lyyra is a typeface with a radical aesthetic that alternates between the organic and the mechanical. The de sign incorporates diverse references from…

notamuse lottery

A New Perspective on Women Graphic Designers in Europe
In spring 2017, the three master students Claudia Scheer, Lea Sievertsen and Silva Baum approached us with an interview request because they…

100 beste Plakate 18

Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
Every year the association 100 Beste Plakate e. V. presents awards to honor the most innovative and groundbreaking poster designs from Germany,…

Hans Georg Lenzen. Mit leichter Hand

Hans Georg Lenzen was not only a highly talented draughtsman, painter, author and translator, but also a passionate university teacher. He was…
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