This book is about asking and designing Questions. And beyond that, it has just received the Young Book Design Award from 109 submissions.…
Play Life—Neighbors in the Western Balkans
New release at Slanted Publishers
We are super excited to publish the book Play Life—Neighbors in the Western Balkans with photographs by renowned photographer Dirk Gebhardt. He…
Get Closer
The game where you win each other
Closer is a game, yet it’s anything but competition. The only thing you can win is time well spent together, new friends…
When we published Slanted Magazine #12—Beat That If You Can, we wanted to provide a platform for the great work of women…
No Plastic Water
An awareness campaign
Everyone is talking about the plastification of the ocean, but no matter how many images, awareness campaigns are out there, people keeps…
Anita Jürgeleit
Crossfit is a condensed bold headline font family designed by Anita Jürgeleit. With its fresh and aesthetic appeal, it suits contemporary designs with a…
Production Type celebrates 5 years of experimentation through the exhibition SIGNALS
Production Type, the digital type design agency founded by Jean-Baptiste Levée in 2014, celebrates its fifth anniversary with an exhibition and several…
In February we travelled to Rwanda for a special issue of Slanted Magazine to take a look at the burgeoning creative and…
Last Saturday The Open End Creativity Festival took place in the Rotondes in Luxembourg, a beautiful location used for many cultural events. The festival,…
Under the motto “Ars Futura Cultura”, i.e. “Art for the Culture of the Future”, the A’ Design Award took place and honored 2437…
From June 14 to July 7, 2019, the exhibition 100 Best Posters 18 will take place in the special exhibition hall of…
Even though the European elections are already over, we would like to draw your attention to a self-initiated project initiated by the…
Bauhaus 4.0 meets communication design & illustration
Design and politics in times of fake news
Aren't designers always authors in editorial design? How does digitalization change the tension between editors, journalists and designers? Isn't truth now a…
Dynamic Wallpaper Club
Create your own dynamic wallpapers
With MacOS Mojave, Apple introduced “dynamic desktops”—a desktop background changing to the real daylight. This is possible through the new .heic file…
In this series we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation and illustration. Last time we…
In search of beautifully illustrated children’s books, we became aware of the Kunstanstifter Verlag, which was founded in 2006 as a publishing…
Posterheroes: A Poster for Integration
The new call of the international posters contest
This is the eighth edition of the contest of posters promoted by the Italian cultural association PLUG and FAVINI the leading global…
schaubau—international summer school of design dessau
bitmob goes bauhaus
schaubau summer school will take place in Dessau from August 4th to 10th. Take your chance and take part in the workshop…
Typeface of the Month: Hawkland
Jeremy Tankard Typography
Jeremy Tankard is one of those type designers who have been designing unmistakable fonts with great passion and depth for a long…
Stadt.Land.Schluss.: Was wäre wenn
Transdisciplinary Symposium N°3
What would happen if design and creation visibly entered into a dialogue and politics were to be reshaped? What if the country…
Upcoming Events
Anfachen Award IX
25.04.2024 –
Inner Structures – Outer Rhythms
22.02.2025 –
Der Palast des typografischen Mauerwerks
Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt am Main
09.04.2025 –
SEEN Around the World Symposium
LUX Mainz / online
01.05.2025 –
21st Pictoplasma Conference
silent green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin