Interview with Itamar Daube

Illustration in Tel Aviv
In this series with illustrators from Tel Aviv we introduce you to the most exciting Israeli creative minds in graphic design, animation…

Vogl Creatives Box

Druckerei Vogl
When we first became aware of the Vogl Creatives Box, we were particularly impressed by the high-quality workmanship and the idea behind the…

Making of

Slanted Magazine #33—Prague
Slanted Magazine #33—Prague is at the printer right now! Its red and blue cover shines as bright as the Moldau floating through…

Slanted Shopping Thursday

Bauhaus books—Lars Müller Publishers
Today is a perfect day to browse across our Slanted Shop and discover new publications. Therefore we present you five Bauhaus books,…

Forward Festival Munich 2019

Festival for Creativity, Design and Communication
The Forward Festival celebrates a small anniversary from 13 to 14 June at Alte Kongresshalle in Munich. For five years now, the festival…


Magazine for Science
“How to design science?” This essential question was the starting point in the process of creating a concept for the new print…


by Detail Type Foundry
Detail Type Foundry (detail) is the type design institute of Kamimura & Co., an independent design studio based in Japan. They create…

Walbaum Weekend

100 Years Bauhaus
The Walbaum weekends are a series of events organized by the Printmaking Museum “Pavillon-Presse” in Weimar. They combine the imparting of theoretical…

ISType 2019

This year ISType has an exciting list of presentations and workshops to announce revolving around this edition’s theme: axis. It is taking…

Slanted Shopping Thursday

Reportagen #45, Upstart, LOST Magazine #5 & Pixel, Patch und Pattern
Today is a perfect day to browse across our Slanted Shop and discover new publications. Therefore we present you two magazines and…

25th Typotage Leipzig

Typography and Zeitgeist
The 25th Typotage Leipzig celebrate their 2019 anniversary: on Saturday, 11 May, the 25th edition of the conference will take place in the Museum…

Der blinde Fleck

Gestalterinnen am Bauhaus und heute
The design exhibition “Der blinde Fleck—Gestalterinnen am Bauhaus und heute” (The blind spot—designers at the Bauhaus and today) in the 100th anniversary…

Library of Shapes, Texts, and Structures

exhibition opening
A—Z is a new space in Berlin for experimental graphic design. For the opening this new exhibition-spot will host the exhibition “Library…

Typeface of the Month: Study

XYZ Type
Although the technologies for producing type have become far more expedient, the techniques for designing type are essentially the same. While developing Study, our new Typeface…

TOTAL ARMAGEDDON—A Slanted Reader on Design

Out now!
With our latest publication TOTAL ARMAGEDDON we celebrate 15 eventful years of independent publishing. A collection of both, essays that are brand new as well…

Creative Disruptors

3 Brands Cracking The Visual Code On Instagram
For companies doing business in 2019, using eye-catching imagery is a given: customers expect to be inspired. And nowhere is visual disruptiveness…

Bauhaus 4.0 meets service & interaction design

Interaction with all senses—how will experience be shaped in the future?
Digitization and globalization are among the major economic and social contemporary issues. Can parallels be drawn to the upheavals of industry and…


Pulpo is a Clarendon style typeface with the skeleton of Century Schoolbook. Longer extenders give text a bit more air to breathe…
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