type+code – bauhaus.labor

Pünktlich zum Nationalen Bauhausjahr 2019 startet das diesjährige Mainzer Masterprogramm Gutenberg-Intermedia zum Thema »bauhaus.labor«. Gewünscht ist es mit den gestalterischen Utopien und…

Us By Night Festival

For the third year in a row, Antwerp's Parkloods is the setting for Us By Night, a Belgian design and creativity festival…

I Never Read – Art Book Fair Basel

When? June 13th—16th 2018 Office Hours: Thursday and Friday, 3 p.m.—9 p.m. Saturady, noon—7 p.m.  Where? Kaserne Basel Klybeckstrasse 1b 4057 Basel…

Ascenders 2018

Call for Entries
As part of its goal to support young designers and excellence in typography, the Type Directors Club is inaugurating Ascenders 2018, a…

Thru Theth ‘Abstrction of Just Is’

Albania’s obscured past
StreyKatt aka Bobby Collins, is an artist, born in New York, USA, and is based in Berlin, Germany. Using analogue photography, as…

Was Designer alles machen | What Designers can do

Yearbook FH Joanneum 2018
Book “Was Designer alles machen | What Designers can do” presents bachelor’s and master’s theses published at the Institute of Design &…

Type Life

Issue #2 / Sang Bleu
The second issue of Type Life brings a cornucopia of visual inspiration. Swiss Typefaces presents insights into their cosmos of style, fonts, and fashion.…

Design West Summer School

Design West—Ireland’s exciting new International Design Summer School, set in Connemara on the Wild Atlantic Way, is now open for applications. Design West International Summer School, June…

Festival der jungen Talente

The Festival der jungen Talente (Festival of Jung Talents) is held every second year and now already for the 9th time. It is…

25hours Hotel München – The Royal Bavarian

Slanted in München
Im prunkvollen Gebäude am Bahnhofplatz 1 hat das 25hours Hotel The Royal Bavarian seinen Platz in München gefunden. Ein Haus mit einer…

NEW WALL / Festival

Das NEW WALL / FESTIVAL bietet nationalen sowie internationalen angewandten Künstlern die Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeiten einem großen Publikum aus Kollegen, Kunden und interessierten Besuchern…

Freistil 6 – The Book of Illustrators

Few technical developments have changed and shaped people's culture and consciousness as much as the invention of printing by Johannes Gutenberg. But…


Bookazine für Gameskultur
The WASD is the bookazine for games culture. Independent, versatile, colorful, and beautiful. The “Who's Who” of German video game journalism writes…

Magazine: wohngemeinschaft

If you look at my life, an essential component is my flat-sharing community! Like me, many people live in a shared flat,…

Was ist eigentlich ein Redesign?

Gastbeitrag von Anja Balssat und Nima Sorouri
Was ist eigentlich ein Redesign? Diese Frage stellten sich Anja Balssat, Inhaberin der Agentur TechTick.Media in Köln, und Nima Sorouri, ebenfalls Mitgründer der Agentur. Beide habe…
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