Design Interview 1Q

Design Interview 1Q (10 questions) has the goal to generate and share good content for people that are in lockdown because of this invisible enemy. In this moment, while everything is stopping, graphic designer Fabio Mario Rizzotti, the creator of Design Interview 1Q, wants to talk about design. Therefore he invites experts for an interview, trying to understand which are their philosophies that we usually admire and we take inspiration by. So, it’s not just a showcase of the designers work but a deeper story. The interviews are based on 10 questions with topics like the essence of design, education, future, design process, perfection, internet, and others.

The project ist already very well received in the community, and is growing every day. Mario had and will have guests such as: Paula Scher, Karel Martens, Studio MUT, Studio LaTigre, Erik Brandt, Niklaus Troxler, HEY Studio, Pitis Associati, Studio Dumbar, Adrian Shaughnessy, Steven Heller, Anthony Burrill, Sarah Snaith, and many others.

It’s amazing that all these great designers are joining this project and supporting this moment. Because it’s a fight and the design world needs to be ready tomorrow to start all over again, and maybe with a different perspective of the world and of what design is. Thanks to these amazing designers or how Karel Martens says: human beings.

Design Interview 1Q

Follow IQ Interview on: Youtube, Facebook, or Instagram

serpent / dove dyad

This poster investigates a phrase in the Christian bible where Jesus sends his followers to spread a message of radical love into new contexts. Expecting adversity, he urged: “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Sadly, Christianity’s spread was not harmless. It was co-opted by empires seeking to colonize the globe using violence and genocide.

A bitter irony to this history, Jesus himself was born into a family crossing borders, fleeing state violence toward an ethnic minority.

Today’s migrants flee impacts of conflict and climate change, yet are met by resurgently xenophobic governments.

Jesus’ paradox resonates now: we must counteract injustice both shrewdly and peacefully.


In Deutschland lebten laut Statistischem Bundesamt im Jahr 2018 rund 300.000 Menschen, welche aufgrund von Schwerhörigkeit oder Taubheit dauerhaft geschädigt sind. Treten Gehörlose mit Hörenden in Kontakt müssen Gehörlose das Gesagte häufig vom Mund ablesen. Dabei sind etwa nur 30 % des Gesprächsinhaltes über das Mundbild erfassbar. Besonders eklatant werden die Schwierigkeiten bei der Inanspruchnahme von medizinischen Leistungen. Missverständnisse, Informationsdefizite und nicht zuletzt eine Verunsicherung der gehörlosen Patienten sind die Folge. HELPING HANDS ist ein Medienkonzept, das nonverbale Kommunikation ermöglicht und einfache Gebärden sowie das Fingeralphabet zeigt.

The Quarantine Coloring Book

The graphic design Studio Multiplo presents The Quarantine Coloring Book to print at home, a perfect device to kill time with your friends, kids, or parents while lockdown lasts. These days we need a lot of optimism, and some critical thinking too. Keep calm and relax, just … not that much!

Multiplo is a graphic design studio based in Padova, Italy, focused on print, identity, and digital media for a diverse range of clients and fields, from individual to commercial and institutional. Because of their city being one of the epicenters of the pandemic, they questioned themselves and the impact the situation has on their work, their lives, and about how this phenomenon is communicated by media—which is why they consequently conceived a small coloring book.

The Quarantine Coloring Book

Design: Multiplo
Volume: 16 pages
Format: 14.8 × 21 cm
Language: English
Get your print at home version and share it with Multiplo on instagram

Evolution of the term. Survive VS Coexist

There are many politically correct and civilized synonyms for “to survive”. “To coexist” is one of the newest ones, a zeitgeist.
When does survival end and coexistence start? What is in between?
Does it really matter how we call it?
Can the choice of wording influence our behavior and change our genetic memory?
Do we really stop trying to survive if we replace the word with a more human-friendly term?
Is that socially approved hypocrisy or real concern for others?
Let’s be honest and ask ourselves: what are we really doing every day in this crisis – surviving or coexisting?
We created this subjective historical timeline describing how co-existance could be called in different periods of time

Nature meets Humans

I took this picture whilst traveling around Auckland, New Zealand during my semester abroad in college (summer 2018) with my 55mm film camera. When I first got my rolls of film developed, I was immediately drawn to this picture. I think this may have been the first time I saw a rollercoaster in the middle of the wilderness. It looked so innocent and clean. It was weird to think that, as, to me: rollercoasters usually went hand in hand with negative connotations (overcrowded spaces, vomit, obesity, germs), but for the first time in my life, I saw humanity holding nature’s hand. .


An age old Japanese proverb roughly translating as “large similarities, small differences”.

We live in a time where people are still discriminated against for the colour of their skin, their culture, or even their religion. Now more than ever at a time of uncertainty, we must remember that we are similar in more ways than we may first realise, and that these differences are something which should be celebrated.

The Lion & the Lamb

As a Christian designer, the ultimate version of looking beyond COVID-19 to a place where we exist together in peace is longing for heaven where all will be made well. This passage in the Bible describes heaven as being where lions and lambs will lie down next to each other. There will be co-existence in the greatest sense, and peace beyond measure!


To live together, to exist together, to be together, to play together… Our thesis of the “common” seems to be difficult to enforce in a world of competitive turbo-economization including power-obsessed screamers who like to push themselves into the first row with simple pseudo solutions. Altruism in this environment finds at best the pitiful applause. But even in times of rampant fear of aerogenic transmission, despite P3R masks, it remains the same air we breathe. Our existence only seems meaningful when we play in an ensemble and others can experience what we feel – only then do we belong to the humanoid knowledge base and become part of the collective ornament as an ego.

Smiles All Around

Since the isolations and quarantines, people lack the most ist the human touch. Now that face masks are more and more commandments smiles will not be seen inside stores and roads, too.

This virus ist showing us what we always took for granted to easy. Smiles and touches.

So my idea is that everybody paints a smile on his facemask!

Bring back the smile!


Fashionably construed, through the lens of art, ‘VERONIKA’ analogizes today’s politically charged atmosphere, evident in today’s global society. A reminiscence of an epoch, in which many governments had nearly absolute control over its citizens’ lives, by having stripped away one’s identity and then collectively used to benefit the powers that be, as well as being controlled in ways that most don’t realize.

Concealment of who we are is now in order, yet, a need for a more privy expression and freedom of movement, based on this seemingly prevalent encroachment that could soon (and conceivably already) be in place, like that of the post-war era, which began in the Spring (весна) of 1945.


Moria, Corona bonds, sea rescue — the Corona crisis shows the EU’s limited ability to act. Let’s stand up for those organizations who help and support refugees, sick people and children in need.

Visual Identity for Tobia Scarpa’s exhibition

The Italian graphic designers Giulia Bardelli and Andrea Guccini created the typographic system and visual identity for Tobia Scarpa’s exhibition “Dall’arte della misura silenziosamente.” Designer Tobia Scarpa is dealing with architecture, restoration, set-ups, industrial design, graphics, and teaching. The exhibition is presented by Paradisoterrestre on the occasion of Arte Fiera, which took place in January 2020.

The show defines itself as an uncritical interpretation of the enigmatic artwork “Melencolia I” by Albrecht Dürer (1514). Since its birth the engraving has obsessed many literati, intellectuals, and artists repeatedly. Among these, Tobia Scarpa focuses on two specific geometric elements of Dürer’s work—the polyhedron and the magic square. Researching hidden sides and identifying symmetries the designer created three limited edition artworks for Paradisoterrestre (two sculptures, Festuca Lapis in marble and Scudo Magico in iron and brass and Geometrie Nascoste, a print in a limited edition of 100).

Without breaking the conceptual continuity with the mathematical field, the exhibition identity silently strengthen its title. Through a meticulous typographical approach each letter’s position as well as each empty space is measured without leaving anything to chance and eventually reshaping the appearance of the chosen words.

Visual Identity for Tobia Scarpa’s exhibition

Designers: Giulia Bardelli and Andrea Guccini
Leaflet and poster (the folded posters become the leaflet): offset printing on Fedrigoni X-Per 140 g

Invitation: black on black bas-relief offset printing on Fedrigoni X-Per 140 g + Fedrigoni cardboard 2 mm

Typeface: Helvetica


This is a poster with a list of all the countries in the world, with a visual of the earth and a small glass drop in the middle that represents humanity. It shows that we can co-exist, at least on a poster, so there is hope.