Karl-Heinz Drescher—Berlin Typo Poster, Texts, and Interviews

Karl-Heinz Drescher (born on October 7, 1936 in Quirl; died on May 19, 2011 in Berlin) was a graphic artist working at Bertolt Brecht’s world famous theater Berliner Ensemble as a graphic designer for almost 40 years. In addition to his work at this house, Drescher also worked for other organizers, museums, galleries, and theaters, amongst others the Akademie der Künste der DDR, the Maxim-Gorki-Theater, and the Deutsche Staatsoper in Berlin. His catalog of works today comprises over 400 posters, about one third printed with letterpress.

In a one-year research, the designer Markus Lange contacted Drescher’s family and conducted various interviews with companions and friends to find out more about this talented designer, who studied from 1955 to 1960 in the former GDR at the same school as he did (Burg Giebichenstein, formerly Hochschule für industrielle Formgestaltung).

For the first time, this book summarizes most of Karl-Heinz Drescher’s (typographic) posters in one comprehensive volume and contains texts and interviews by various authors such as Dr. Friedrich Diekmann, Dr. Sylke Wunderlich, Helmut Brade, Niklaus Troxler, Gerd Fleischmann, Jamie Murphy, Erik Spiekermann, Ferdinand Ulrich, Götz Gramlich, Peter Kammerer, Vera Tenschert, Cesarina and Alessandro Drescher. “Karl-Heinz Drescher—Berlin Typo Posters, Texts, and Interviews” serves as a review of the life of an extraordinary theater graphic designer but also as an inspiration for the here and now.

Publisher: Slanted Publishers
Editor & Design: Markus Lange
Final Artwork and Production: Julia Kahl, Clara Weinreich
Project management publisher: Lars Harmsen, Julia Kahl
Release: February 2020
Format: 19,5 × 26,5 × 2,5 cm
Volume: 272 pages
Language: English, German
Printing & Embossing: Stober
Cover material: WestRock Crescendo, C1S 300 g/sm by WestRock 
Paper: Holmen TRND 2.0, 80 g/sm by Holmen Paper
ISBN: 978-3-948440-00-8
Price: € 40,–

Buy here


The Other Side: An Emotional Map of Brexit Britain

Revealing the crucial role of visual communication before, during and after the EU referendum, The Other Side: An Emotional Map of Brexit Britain is the latest book from GraphicDesign&. It acts as a timely primer for international readers, going beyond the divisive rhetoric specific to Brexit to highlight the failures of communication that have led us to where we are today—failures to communicate political complexity, to speak for communities, and now to reach out to each other.

Presented as a double-ended book, 26 Leave and 24 Remain voters from around the UK, across professions and of different ages and backgrounds, share their views on the losses and gains from the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Their voices, thoughts and ideas act as a snapshot of a particular and poignant moment in history and illustrate that voter motivation is varied not binary. Richer than the sound bite, these individual voices are identified by region via a set of sans serif, visually neutral typefaces designed after the Second World War.

An illustrated essay charts the relationship between the UK and the “European project” from 1952 to 2019 as depicted in press and campaign materials, while an interview with communications expert Ian Leslie explores the parallels between personal relationship breakdown and the referendum result.

The Other Side: An Emotional Map of Brexit Britain

Designer: LucienneRoberts
Editors: Lucienne Roberts & Rebecca Wright
Advisors: Nadine Chahine, Ian Leslie, Paul McNeil
Publisher: GraphicDesign&
Release: February 2020
Volume: 296 pages including 40 images
Format: 11 × 17.8 cm
Production: Pur bound paperback, printed and bound by CPI (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY
Language: English
Price: £ 17.50 / € 20.05

Berlin Letters Festival 2020

Berlin Letters Festival 2020 is a festival for lettering, type design, calligraphy and sign painting. Three days of inspiration, fun and skill share with talks of more than 25 international speakers, 10 excellent workshops and 250 participants from all letter shaping disciplines.

Slanted is offering 1 ticket for the Berlin Letters Festival. To take part in the lottery, please send an email with the subject “Berlin Letters 2020” to [email protected] until March 11th, 2020, 11 a.m. (UTC+1) and add your postal address for shipping. The winner will be drawn. Legal ways are excluded. By taking part you are accepting the privacy statement of Slanted. Good Luck.

Berlin Letters Festival 2020

Thursday, May 28th to Saturday, May 30th, 2020

Each day, there’ll be talks from 2 p.m to 8 p.m.
The half-day workshops run from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The day-long workshops run from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 5:30 p.m.

Silent Green
Gerichtstraße 35
13347 Berlin

Berlin Letters Festival is offering a 15 % discount code exclusively available for Slanted readers. The code can be entered in the ticket shop under “Click here to enter a promotion code.”

Promocode: Slanted15

– only valid for the festival ticket (not for workshops)
– results in a discount of 15%
– valid while stocks last
– until March 15th, 2020

For more information click here.

Cali Chronicles

In his new book Cali Chronicles, the photographer Tobias Bärmann set out in search for the hidden sides of Los Angeles, famed City of Dreams. He traversed the gigantic metropolis, designed to accommodate cars, on a bicycle. By slowing down one’s gaze, he unfolds an aesthetics of transition and incompletion beneath the city’s glamorous surface. Many of the motifs are evidence of the bygone actions of unknown protagonists. With a keen eye for the poetry of the ephemeral and supposedly trivial, Bärmann steers our attention to civilizing mishaps and accidental situations.

Cali Chronicles

Publisher: Kerber Verlag
Photographer: Tobias Bärmann
Design: Jenne Grabowski, Karsten Middeldorf
Text: Anna Czerlitzki
Release: November 2019

Dimensions: 21 × 28 cm
Volume: 104 pages
Craftmanship: 63 colored illustrations, hardcover with open thread stitching
Language: English
ISBN: 978-3-7356-0638-9
Price: 40.– Euro

Urban Beauties Exhibition

For years, photographer Jürgen Altmann only used them as backgrounds for his narrative worlds with models, musicians or athletes: urban situations that—planned or coincidentally—have developed their own aesthetics. In his photo series “Urban Beauties” they now play the main role: urban “non-locations” such as parking lots, bridges, underpasses or even temporary installations that are in the urban space arise and disappear around us almost every day. This is how Altmann shows with his calm, but colorful compositions the poetic moments of a city that is constantly looking for its own identity. The Urban Beauties Exhibition opening will take place on March 12th, from 7 p.m. on.

Urban Beauties Exhibition—A different view on Stuttgart

Opening: Thursday, 12th March 2020, 7 p.m.
Exhibition Duration: 13th March till 26th April, 2020

Stadt Palais Stuttgart
Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 2
70173 Stuttgart

For more information click here.


Brand Design Master Class

The Brand Design Master Class will give an exclusive look on the rebranding of Volkswagen and how to shape a mobility brand for the digital society.

KMS TEAM, Blackspace, Consileon, MetaDesign, MetaSpaces, Progenium, Schmidhuber, SinnerSchrader, and S12 will give a 360 degree experience of the Volkswagen New Brand Design. They will show how they worked with new agile, networked working processes in the Powerhouse to develop, discuss, document and implement the new Volkswagen brand design in the record-setting time of nine months. The result is a sustainable system that can be employed dynamically and intuitively across all applications and channels. It is ideally suited for the new patterns of interaction in the digital society.

The Volkswagen rebranding is one of the industry’s largest in the world today. A total of 171 markets around the globe will be transitioned to the new brand identity, including 10,000 dealers and service partners.

Brand Design Master Class

On March 12th, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

Haus der Kunst
Prinzregentenstraße 1
80538 Munich

More information here.
Apply here.

Typeface of the Month: NewsSans

Our Typeface of the Month: NewsSans is a multi-tool typeface system incorporating no fewer than 90 styles. It was designed to allow a maximum range of visual shades when creating a typographic look, effortlessly ranging from loud and expressive, to subtle and reserved. The large x-height combined with low ascenders and descenders allows for tight and efficient designs. All sharp corners were trimmed off to add character and a nuance of extra space. NewsSans’ strokes link humanist curves with “American Grotesque” details and solid square stems.

The system contains nine weights from Hairline to Black, and five widths from Compressed to Extended, each accompanied by a proper Italic.

NewsSans was hand hinted for optimal screen performance. Each font contains more than 700 glyphs and all kinds of OpenType features like small caps, several numeral options and ligatures.

Typeface of the Month: NewsSans

Foundry: Character Type
Designer: Henning Skibbe
Release: 2019
Format: OTF, TTF, WOFF, EOT, Variable
Weights: 90 styles, 5 widths: Compressed, Condensed, Normal, Wide, and Extended, each in Hairline, Hairline Italic, Thin, Thin Italic, Extralight, Extralight Italic, Light, Light Italic, Regular, Regular Italic, Semibold, Semibold Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Extrabold, Extrabold Italic, Black, and Black Italic
Price: 49.– USD
Available at: Fontspring, MyFonts
Trial Fonts are exclusively available at Character Type

17. Tag der Schrift

The 17. Tag der Schrift has been postponed. It will be hold in November 21st, 2020 where the organizers can offer the same program as planned.

On April 4th, 2020, the 17. Tag der Schrift will take place in Zürich. The event will be opened by Jonas Schudel of the Schule für Gestaltung Zürich and will be moderated by Dominique Kerber. The program is divided into two parts: In the morning there will be lectures. After the break around noon there will be workshops on various topics by the speakers.

Slanted is offering one ticket for the 17. Tag der Schrift (Lectures and Workshop). To take part in the lottery, please send an email with the subject “17. Tag der Schrift” to [email protected] until March 4th, 2020, 11 a.m. (UTC+1) and add your postal address for shipping. The winners will be drawn. Legal ways are excluded. By taking part you are accepting the privacy statement of Slanted. Good Luck.

17. Tag der Schrift

Saturday, April 4th, 2020
from 9 a.m.

Schule für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 104
8005 Zurich

You can find the complete program here.

Registration and ticket prices
The registration takes place online using the registration form. An electronic confirmation is issued.
Ticket for morning (presentations): 60.– CHF
Ticket for afternoon (workshops): 40.– CHF
Ticket for the whole day: 90.– CHF

Students and teachers of the Zurich School of Design (SfGZ) as well as Syndicom and Ver.di members receive a 50 % discount. Learners and full-time students from other institutions also benefit from a 50 % discount. The student card or the membership card must be presented at the entrance.

For more information click here.

Font Publication ABK Stuttgart

The Font Publication ABK Stuttgart includes the fonts created by the second year Communication Design at ABK Stuttgart in 2018.

Every year the class of Gerwin Schmidt designs typefaces according to a specific topic. So all 22 fonts got their very own personality, some can be seen at first sight and some reveal in their details after a while. The publication pays close attention to spotlight the peculiarities and ideas behind every font. The project was also supervised by Stefanie Schwarz from Type Lab.

Font Publication ABK Stuttgart

Publisher: ABK Stuttgart
Release: December 2019
Format: 20 × 26 cm
Typeface: Stempel Schneidler
Design: Marie Schaffert
Volume: 72 pages
Language: German

“Was macht eigentlich …?” Exhibition

In 2010, designer Chris Campe photographed over 1,000 store signs in Hamburg and published a typographic portrait of the city in the book “Hamburg Alphabet.” But the city is changing rapidly. That’s why Chris Campe photographed the signs and their locations again ten years after the book was published.

An updated new edition of the “Hamburg Alphabet” will be published in a limited edition of 250 copies to accompany the “Was macht eigentlich …?” Exhibition at Enfants Artspace.

“Was macht eigentlich …?” Exhibition

Enfants Artspace
Pilatiuspool 19
20355 Hamburg

Vernissage: Friday, March 6th, 2020, 6 p.m.

Opening hours: March 7th, 8th, and 28th, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Finissage: Sunday, March 29th, 2020, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Lettering workshop in the exhibition
Sunday, March 29th, 11:30 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.

More information here.

The book can already be pre-ordered here.


Mia Seeger Prize

The Mia Seeger Prize goes into the next round: student works can be submitted until 17th of April, 2020. Then the six-member jury (which will be announced soon) will meet to discuss and evaluate all the works and award prizes to the best ones. Thanks to the support of the Hans Schwörer Foundation and the German Design Council, a total of 10,000 euros will be awarded.

In addition, all participants will be given the opportunity to take part in a one-day workshop that will provide information on intellectual property rights for design work. Free of charge.

As every year, prizes will be awarded for product designs and concepts with a social background. Such as medical projects as well as conclusive ideas for more sustainability, energy efficiency, new forms of mobility or social improvements.

Mia Seeger Prize

Submission deadline
17th of April, 2020

Get all conditions of participation here.


On the 10th and 12th of March there will be two live video podcasts including public broadcasting. The EDCH TALKS are about design, creativity, and technology with an added educational mission for society.

Be there live when editorial designers and magazine makers meet educational visionaries from the design scene and become the magazine of today themselves—with interviews and interventions, discussions and sessions, in a video podcast with public broadcasting. EDCH tracks down the inventors, the visionaries and the practitioners, and together we look behind the scenes and think outside the box: How can we devise new education and training methods and anchor them in society over the long term?

EDCH TALKS—Designing Education & Society

March 10th (English)
5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

12th (German), 2020
5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

Oskar von Miller Forum /  Roof garden on the 7th floor and conference hall on the ground floor
Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 25, 80333 München

Reservation required, subject to a fee
Get more information here.

Get your tickets for the 10th of March here.
Get your tickets for the 12th of March here.

Cast it #3

Cast it #3 is a publication discussing the history and culture of type and it is a specimen showing the CAST typefaces in use too. In the first issue they chose the entry Fonditore di caratteri da stampa (“Type founder”) from the Dizionario delle Arti e dei Mestieri (Venice, 1769). In the second issue, their “test” text was the first two chapters of The printer’s grammar, a manual for compositors written and published in London in 1755.

Cast it #3 features one of the earliest descriptions of type founding in German: Der Schriftgiesser (the type founder), an entry originally included in Werkstätte der heutigen Künste oder die neue Kunsthistorie—a virtually encyclopedic series concerning trades originally written by Johann Samuel Halle and published in Leipzig between 1761–1779. Thanks to Dan Reynolds, they now have Halle’s text for the first time in English. This comes with the only commentary on its contents ever published in any language.

Der Schriftgiesser was published in 1762, as a chapter in the second volume (the entire volume has been scanned by Google.) This text on type founding was republished in 1922. Dan Reynolds photographed the pages of that edition, and you can see/download them here.

CAST—Cooperativa Anonima Servizi Tipografici designs, produces and sells typefaces for publishing and branding. They also offer technical advice on type design and on-demand creation of custom fonts. Besides type designers and programmers, their team includes professionals with a variety of skills. They work closely with Italian and international publishers, printing historians, typographers and calligraphers. This has enabled them to set up a network of “contributors” and, starting from January 2017, to launch a series of articles on the science, history and culture of printing. These can be found in the Articles section of their website.

Cast it #3

Publisher: Lazy Dogs Press
Coproduced: CAST Cooperativa Anonima Servizi Tipografici
Editors: Massimo Gonzato, Riccardo Olocco
Design: Tipiblu
Volume: 48 pages
Format: 16.5 × 24 cm
Craftsmanship: Softcover
Language: English edition (original text in German)
Release: December 2019
ISSN: 2531-765

ISBN: 978-88-98030-27-9
Price: 13.– Euro

Surfing Bauhaus – Hessen + Typography

Every day, new artifacts related to the Bauhaus surface online, and with the 100th anniversary of the school, the number is reaching a peak. Surfing Bauhaus – Hessen + Typography confronts this flood of information and approaches the institution Bauhaus in a contemporary way.

Becker and Hoffmann Robbiani focus on Bauhaus representatives who had a connection to Hesse and worked typographically. Using Internet search engines, they collect, filter, and combine digital results with material researched using more classic methods, from archives and libraries. In their search, the editors—a graphic designer and a professor of typography and communication design—work by association, provoking forms of digression and meandering, switching between English and German, and thus achieving an open perspective on the Bauhaus: a compilation of essays, links, data, references, and anecdotes, retrieved in 2019. No claim to completeness.

With contributions by Kai Buchholz, Tine Melzer, Michael Mischler and Christoph Stähli Weisbrod, Sabrina Rahman, Dan Reynolds, and Florian Walzel

Surfing Bauhaus – Hessen + Typography

Publisher: Jovis
Editors: Tobias Becker / Sandra Hoffmann Robbiani

Volume: 288 pages, num. col. and b/w
Craftsmanship: Softcover
Language: English / German
ISBN: 978-3-86859-601-4
Release: December 2019
Price: 33.– Euro

Photos: Ursula Raapke

Fruit Exhibition Bologna 2020 Open Call

Fruit Exhibition Bologna 2020 is the annual independent art book fair of Bologna, taking place from May 29th to 31st. Open to the public, Fruit Exhibition includes artists’ books, catalogs, graphic design projects, periodicals, stationary, and zines.

REPLICA, the Italian artist’s book archive, and Fruit Exhibition are looking for editorial and visual project to show the unusual point of view of the last decade’s travel publishing. Narrative and visual storytelling that combine poetry and information through the artistic eye of a writer, photographer, designer.

The projects selected by Fruit Exhibition will have the opportunity to participate in the market fair (filling out the application form) or to be sold at Fruit’s bookshop present at the event, through a consignment deal. The projects selected by REPLICA will have the opportunity to be part of its collection and to participate in the exhibition curated by REPLICA, in collaboration with Fruit Exhibition, as part of the focus dedicated to travel publishing.

Fruit Exhibition Bologna 2020 Open Call

Deadline: March 10th, 2020
Email to [email protected] heading “FOCUS VIAGGIO”

Get more information about the fair and the application here.

CXI Conference 2020 #12

he largest European corporate and brand identity conference CXI is entering it’s twelfth round and will again present outstanding branding case studies. On September 18th selected clients and brand agencies will again be showing together how things look from both sides of the partnership, identifying problem areas and presenting solutions at CXI Conference 2020 #12. They will give insights into the complexity and sheer breadth of what is involved in defining a project, bringing clarity to desired outcomes, decisions that are made to achieve these, and the results that can be expected.

This year the following companies and agencies are participating: Arndt Benedikt, Frankfurt a.M.; The Base, Berlin; DesignStudio, London; DIA, New York; Futurium, Berlin; GW+Co, London; Heine/Lenz/Zizka, Berlin; Make Studio, Hamburg; Onefootball, Berlin; Der Spiegel, Hamburg; Yale, London

CXI Conference 2020 #12

September 18th, 2020

Start of registration: 8:45 a.m.
Lectures: 9:45 a.m. till 6 p.m.

Stadtheider Strasse 11

Further information here.


Turning past into present with typography and photography. The title “Squadron,” that appears in the 1942 documentary on Czechoslovak airmen in Great Britain, was the initial inspiration for a photographic—typographic project, whose basic concept is a reflection on the story of Czech airmen. The fates of Czechoslovak airmen during World War II represent an important moment in history that, in its moral significance, transcends the borders of the Czech Republic.

For artistic duo of typographer Jan Matoušek and photographer Vojtěch Veškrna, the gateway to the subject was its visual power. Through the creation of fonts and photographic images, they tried to mirror the themes in a new, personally conceived form. The font family and the photographic series, in harmony with the historical context, create an original work that allows the viewer to perceive the past and the present simultaneously. Squadron is a book—a tool really—for further intellectual searching and new interpretations. Within the rigid confines of the font patterns with carefully observed dimensions, that is, into a space where rules are paramount, the creators attempted to also imprint a living, organic content. Just like the pilot is part of the extremely technically-dominated world of his aircraft.

Two timelines intertwine in this book. On the photographic level, history is represented by the work of Ladislav Sitenský, whose photographs of British bases were digitalized specifically for this book. The present day is represented by Vojtěch Veškrna and his photo series from the air base of the tactical Air Force in Čáslav. Both photographers have in common a fascination with aviation, and therefore also with the symbiosis of man and machine.

The typography reflects the past using a newly-created font family. The aesthetics and morphology of the Squadron font are based on period geometrical fonts, such Futura or Gill Sans, that at the time bore modernist ideals. The designers’ subjective and personal views on the events of World War II are presented in the book through the flight diaries of Alois Vašátko and Miroslav Štandera—airmen who’d already met in the fighting for France and later came together in the British 312th Fighter Squadron. In the pre-printed outlines of their flight logs,  handwritten records of hours and minutes were traced, that is, concise entries, from which complex stories can be deduced. Squadron deconstructs the font mechanism on the pages into individual segments and examines the construction of characters so that they can be used to create words and whole sentences. In connection with this,  photos of even the smallest parts of the aircraft are presented, gradually working up to their overall shape. In the same way, this book can be opened up and subsequently deconstructed to find new contexts.

A fundamental moment for the creators of the Squadron project was their meeting and interview with Brigadier General Miroslav Štandera. During his life, he managed to experience enough for at least two additional ones, despite which he withstood all of the dramas and somersaults of fate, and with elegance and humor at that. In response to the question of why, in 1939, he voluntarily left his, at the time, occupied homeland, he replied:

“We took it as our duty. We were brought up a little differently than you’ve been. We were Masaryk’s guys, most of us simply thought that way.”

Those words helped Matoušek and Veškrnareason understand for why, despite the uncertainty and facing a dramatic fate, Czechoslovak airmen voluntarily left to fight for democratic ideals, freedom and human values. Not three weeks after their visit to Miroslav Štandera, this last fighter pilot and direct participant in the battles in France and Great Britain passed away, at the age of 95.

As representatives of the generation born at the end of the twentieth century, Matoušek and Veškrna were able to glimpse the last rays of light of a setting story. Czechoslovak airmen often paid twice for their courage—those who survived the war were jailed or otherwise persecuted. And even their children, due to the inconvenient reputations of their fathers as “western airmen” were not allowed to study, or were subjected to other hardships in their lives.

Since the end of the Second World War, the world has managed to change radically and accelerate. The world witnesses and participates in the shifting of human and technical possibilities, rapidly changing standards of behavior, social dogmas and rules. From this moment of the present, people constantly reflect on the past and create a vision of the future. Squadron is a tool designed to support this creative process, of which everyone is a co-creators. Hopefully, it also bears the torch of a story that should be remembered.

Squadron typeface

Designer: Jan Matoušek

Development: 2014–2019
Weight: Bold, Medium, Regular, Light, Thin + Italics
Language support: Latin Extended
Licenses: Desktop and Web

Squadron specimen book

Publisher: Biggboss
Conception: Jan Matoušek & Vojtěch Veškrna
Designed: Jan Matoušek
Photography: Ladislav Sitenský, Vojtěch Veškrna
Texts: Jan Matoušek, Vladimir 518, Jiří Rajlich
Craftmanship: Hardcover
Format: 18 × 24 cm
Volume: 280 pages
ISBN: 978-80-907383-5-5

Adobe Live in February: The big Photoshop birthday special

Nine creative people in nine sessions over three days. It’s Photoshop’s birthday and we are celebrating all of the possibilities: Traditional, highly professional image processing and photography will be given a stage, as well as illustration, image composition, storytelling and digital smartphone art.

We are celebrating the ideas that can be realized with Photoshop. From the small sketch to high-resolution 3D artwork. So watch out—as you’ll be able to experience inspiration, techniques and many great ideas. It will be exciting, crazy and beautiful. For three days, the best creative minds in the field of image editing will show you what Photoshop can do. So click the link and be there live, get inspired and celebrate 30 years of Photoshop.

18 February 2020: 10.00 am–4.00 pm
Creativity at all levels

  • Alina Schessler, Photography: 10.00 am–12.00 pm
  • DomQuichotte, Cinematography and retouching: 12.00 pm–2.00 pm
  • Sina Domke, Storytelling: 2.00 pm–4.00 pm

19 February 2020: 10.00 am–4.00 pm
Exposing ideas in color

  • Eva Widermann, Illustration in Photoshop: 10.00 am–12.00 pm
  • Mikiko, Manga artist: 12.00 pm–2.00 pm
  • Olaf Giermann, Photo manipulation: 2.00 pm–4.00 pm

20 February 2020: 10.00 am–4.00 pm
Channel mixer disco

  • June Lawrence, Smartphone editor: 10.00 am–12.00 pm
  • JustCaan, YouTuber and content creator: 12.00 pm–2.00 pm
  • Robert Maschke, Photography and professional retouching: 2.00 pm–4.00 pm

Click the link and be there. The presenters Can Döner and Rufus Deuchler from Adobe are looking forward to meeting you! 18–20 February, from 10.00 am–4.00 pm each day.

More details

Allrounder Grotesk

Meet Allrounder Grotesk, a decent and modest font and the first member of the multipurpose Allrounder superfamily.

A workhorse that lives up to its name, Allrounder Grotesk consists of ten weights ranging from a delicate Air to a powerful Black with 900+ glyphs per font. Each weight is accompanied by carefully hand-corrected italics.

The sans serif typeface supports more than 200 Latin-based languages, containing the complete “LatinPlus” glyph set developed by underware. It also provides you with plenty of OpenType features: small capitals, ten sets of figures, case-sensitive forms, ligatures, superiors, fractions, and arrows.

The multitalented typeface was developed from 2018 to 2020 by Moritz Kleinsorge. It lays the foundation for Kleinsorge’s Allrounder superfamily, a series of typefaces sharing the same color and vertical metrics (cap height, small cap height and x-height). The aim of this series is to create a typesetting system whose components match each other perfectly. Look at Allrounder Grotesk as the first part of a design kit: every serif typeface that will follow may be easily combined with Allrounder Grotesk.

Allrounder Grotesk

Type Foundry: Moritz Kleinsorge
Designer: Moritz Kleinsorge
Release: January 2020
Weights: 10 from Air to Black + Italics
File Format: OpenType
Test Version: on request
Price Family: € 220 / $ 245
Price per weight: € 29 / $ 35
Discount until February 23rd: 65 %

Special offer for Slanted Blog readers: 80 % off; use the code slanted80 at MyFonts

European Design Awards 2020

Until February 21st, you can still apply for the European Design Awards 2020. Take the chance and prove yourself agains the most talented creatives from all over Europe. Apply Now!

Since 2007 a group of people, made out of publishers, journalists, editors, and academics, come together on a yearly basis, to gather, evaluate and acknowledge the best examples of communication design in our continent.

It is a very special and unique set up, in the sense that it involves the people who curate similar content on an every day basis. As such it also provides participants with an opportunity to make their work visible to a wider audience (through the media that the jury members represent).

The European Design Awards wraps up with a festival in a different city every year, leading up to the awards ceremony. This creates an ideal opportunity for the most creative people of our community to come together, benchmark, be inspired and celebrate.

European Design Awards 2020
• Entry deadline is set for February 21st, 2020
• Physical samples (for the categories that they are required) should be at our Athens office by March 6th, at the latest
• Notification of finalists will commence on April 6th and continue for a week
• The awards ceremony (and accompanying festival) will take place in Valencia June 11th–14th, 2020

European design festival
This year’s Festival will take place in Valencia with the care of the Asociación de Diseñadores de la Comunidad Valenciana. The festival will include an awards show, conference, workshops, exhibitions, studio walks, and many other events! Creative people from all over Europe are expected to join the many events, which will also be open to the wider public.

Get more information about the competition, application and the festival here.

art Karlsruhe 2020

art Karlsruhe 2020 opened its doors today for a preview and we had a first look at the program of 200 international galleries as well as numerous one-artist shows, flanked by a varied supporting program and the special exhibitions.

For the third time, the “Karlsruhe Multiple” project draws attention to an endangered species. As in previous years, the art project initiated by Vollack is a cooperation with the Karlsruhe Zoo and the State Majolica Manufactory. In 2020, it is the Humboldt Penguin that is the artistic subject of the project. The work by artist Klaus Gutowski will be presented to the public for the first time at art Karlsruhe.

We gained a first impression of the 17th edition of the artfair especially in the field of prints and edition objects as well as contemporary art. Especially the former often represents the beginning of a collector’s life with the acquisition of a print, since it is well known that the prices here are attractive even for beginners due to the “serial” character. And the medium of printmaking also deserves attention: almost all artists have tried their hand at aquatint, lithography, silkscreen or woodcut.

Particularly noteworthy here is the special exhibition in the private collection of Hans-Peter Haas (*1935 in Stuttgart), who has been working with internationally renowned painters and sculptors for over 60 years, bringing their ideas to life through print. Among them are greats such as Salvador Dalí, Lucio Fontana, Max Ernst and Günther Fruhtrunk, as well as Heinz Mack and Victor Vasaerely. Haas’s works bear witness to an extraordinarily high level of craftsmanship, which has earned him a unique reputation worldwide.

It is no coincidence that art Karlsruhe is dedicating a hall of its own to the youngest generation: it still sticks to canvas and color and only partially addresses the seductions of digital origin. The works of art often have a figurative, political and experimental effect on us.

Those who can take the time to take a look at the current art market themselves are best advised to visit art Karlsruhe from 13 to 16 February 2020.

In 20 Posters Around the World

ENTKUNSTUNG is an independent forum for art criticism and practice based in Berlin and Vienna. On the occasion of the publication of their third yearbook, they invited 22 artists and designers from all over the world to participate and support their project In 20 Posters Around the World by creating an exclusive poster artwork.

The result: 20 wonderful posters that represent not only each artist’s aesthetic but also a strong feeling of community and cooperation. The posters are available in their online shop in a limited edition of 10 each, hopefully finding a new home in people’s homes soon.

From Tokyo to Johannesburg, from Berlin to México City, from Lausanne to Bogotá, all the people involved in this project have a lofty and humble idea of working together based on solidarity. ENTKUNSTUNG knew their work because they admire what they do. Although some of the artists, graphic and type designers, and photographers didn’t know about the non-profit curatorial platform, the response to our request terrific and the support bigger than they could have ever imagined. The artworks are crucial for the art project to finance their latest publication—their third yearbook—and to keep the ongoing project and new ventures alive.

The book reunites more than 90 articles and artworks from people from around the world in a 300-pages book every year. ENTKUNSTUNG is an independent forum for art criticism and practice based in Berlin and Vienna. Since 2017 they have been committed to creating critical content alongside more than 300 artists, writers, and musicians through their printed publications, online journal, group shows, online exhibitions, and more than 20 performances and live-electronic music events.

The limited poster edition helps the project to remain autonomous, critical, and independent to keep their engagement with artists and writers dedicated to the reflection and production of contemporary art and cultural criticism. Their projects are based on the idea of consolidating a strong we, and so are the thoughts of the artists and writers participating in their first poster edition and publications.

See all Posters of the In 20 Posters Around the World series here.


Blow is a dynamic sans serif in five weights. Rooted in medieval style, Blow shifts from firm forms into smooth curves and waves. For each alphabet and figures, numerous alternates come in three steps, taking the idea of hard and soft forms with each step a bit further. Purposefully used, Blow allows the designer to have a lot of options to work with. You can easily select each alternate group through Stylistic Set (01–03), or get the wildest typography with nice to types unique randomizer. Just activate Contextual Alternates and have fun!

Blow’s energy doesn’t stop at its upper- and lowercase alternates: All alternate figures can be set in tabular layouts, too. So if your next business report needs a fresh breeze, you’re ready to go. Of course Blow doesn’t lack of standard features like superior lowercase and figures, as well as slashed zeros or individual fractions. You just have to make sure that your application or browser supports OpenType technology.


Typeface name: Blow
Type foundry: nice to type
Designer: Yanik Hauschild
Release: November 2019
Weights: Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold
Available font formats: Postscript and Truetype flavored OpenType Fonts, Woff/Woff2
Test version available: Yes
Price one weight: 50.– Euro
Price family: 180.– Euro

Fruit Exhibition Bologna 2020

Fruit Exhibition Bologna 2020 is the annual independent art book fair of Bologna, taking place from May 29th to 31st. Open to the public, Fruit Exhibition includes artists’ books, catalogs, graphic design projects, periodicals, stationary, and zines.

Applications for the 8th edition of Fruit Exhibition are due within April 15th. Spring time has been chosen this year to host publishers, artists, printers, and all those involved in independent publishing, both paper work or digital.  The 2020 edition will be focused on travel publishing and urban visual culture.

Fruit Exhibition will participate in the Paratissima Art Fair taking place in Bologna with a selection of the best international works dedicated to contemporary art: catalogues, magazines, and art books. Amongst the available titles, new but also out- of- catalogue and collectors’ editions.

Get more information about the fair and the application here.