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Brasilia #7 — togetherseparate
to|geth|er|sep|a|rate (to drift apart; to relate remotely); “Brasilia #7 — togetherseparate” traces collective and collaborative practices for design and living, making them the focus of attention. What happens when ingrained forms of togetherness are suspended? When algorithms, filter bubbles and right-wing conspiracy propaganda suggest proximity, but actually separate us from each other more than ever? Brasilia sheds new light on topics that move us, yet leads us to persevere in demanding flexibility from ourselves when we seek security.
Philine Dorenbusch investigates the human-made underwater noise, that endangers marine life. Khadra Farah writes about the casual racism she encounters everywhere as a black woman. In his contribution, Friedrich Weltzien assesses the everyday routines of an intellectual during the coronavirus lockdown. Nora Depner wonders how we could possibly speak with extraterrestrials when we would have to develop a message that we ourselves are not able to conceive.
The creation of “Brasilia #7 — togetherseparate” is inherent proof that »togetherseparated« forms of cooperation are possible. The texts and images compiled here will arouse longing for a return to life beyond Zoom tiles, self-isolation and discount-store purchases. And even if the Duden dictionary distinguishes between joining words together or separating them, the current crisis has reinforced our impression that, as formulated by the philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, we are actually »singular plural«.
Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät III – Medien, Information und Design
Gesa Krieter, Max Heinemann, Nora Depner, Patrycja Kopinska, Vivian Dehning
132 pages
22 x 28,5 cm
English, German
Kaisar Ahamed
March 2021
978 393 201 198 6