Der Tagesspiegel Calender 2019 — 12 Graphic Comments by Raban Ruddigkeit
Volume: 14 pages
Format: 33 × 33 × 0,5 cm
Price: 19.90 €
Since 2015, the designer Raban Ruddigkeit has published his “graphic commentary” on current political and social issues every Sunday in Der Tagesspiegel Causa. Now the first calendar has been edited containing 12 of the best and most timeless graphics. The “graphic comments” have won the Lead Award in Gold in the Illustration for Daily category.
Der Tagesspiegel Calender 2019 — 12 Graphic Comments by Raban Ruddigkeit
Since 2015, the designer Raban Ruddigkeit has published his “graphic commentary” on current political and social issues every Sunday in Der Tagesspiegel Causa. Now the first calendar has been edited containing 12 of the best and most timeless graphics. The “graphic comments” have won the Lead Award in Gold in the Illustration for Daily category.
Raban Ruddigkeit
Seltmann Printart
14 pages
33 × 33 × 0,5 cm
back cardboard, Wire-O binding
The Auto-Ethnographic Turn in Design
Coexist: Atlas of Circles
fortytwomagazine #5—space
14.00 €10.00 €Soap “Rosetta”