Flowers in the Dark No.1

Flowers in the Dark No.1

Format: 59.4 × 84.1
Price: 120.00 

What is real and what is fiction? We can distort and disfigure our faces using various digital filters. A self-portrait is created that can only be produced in a digital world. This image plays with the viewer with its surreal look and asks is it real or fiction.

The Flowers in the Dark No.1 print with surreal surrounding comes as a DIN A1 print on 246g/qm photo paper (C Type Fuji Gloss). The print is sold unframed.


Manuel Rau

Format in cm (w × h × d)

59.4 × 84.1


C-type print, CMYK Digital

3 in stock (can be backordered)
Flowers in the Dark No.1