SPOD #8 Schwierige Formen
Design takes place in an ambivalent place, oscillating between the concerns of culture and capital. As a kind of criticism from within, critical design explores what design is about - how it relates to the market, what is meant by “good design” and how design and the development of technology work.
Schwierige Formen discusses the operational and intellectual foundation of a renewed critical practice.
The open-ended publication series Studienhefte Problemorientiertes Design SPOD makes historical and contemporary reflections on the social and political dimension of Design accessible. It is a collection of irregularly appearing texts that critically examine the practical, cultural, methodological and everyday functions of Design. The problem-oriented approach aims to link design to the contradictions, potentials and circumstances of reality.
Based on a critical examination of the possibilities and limitations of Design, alternative models of Design are outlined that contradict the established market-based design practice.
adocs Produktion und Verlag
Johan Redström, Ramia Mazé
13 × 18 × 1
70 pages
Klebebindung, Softcover