Spring! Der Traum vom erfolgreichen eigenen Atelier – und der sichere Weg dorthin

Spring! Der Traum vom erfolgreichen eigenen Atelier – und der sichere Weg dorthin

Volume: 160 Seiten
Format: 15 x 21 cm
Price: 20.00 

Guide to independence!
In their studies and the first years of their careers, creative people learn a lot about crafts and techniques, they develop their style, discover their talent. What hardly comes up is the economic aspect of the creative life. They live for their ideas, but how they make a living from them remains a book with seven seals.
As an employed designer you get a more or less transparent salary, more or less insight into the figures. Rather less. And because numbers remind you of math, you also shy away from them. So you stay, change agencies, are more or less satisfied–but you’re afraid of the big leap into self-employment. It’s too dangerous. Too risky.
This book changes that!

Martina Flor has dared to do it. She enjoys the freedom to decide for herself which jobs she wants to take and which she doesn’t. When she works and what. She is her own boss and she likes to be that. She teaches and networks, travels and gives lectures. And she can make a living out of it. Even more: Every day she proves that children and career are not mutually exclusive if you plan and live your independence solidly. She knows about the stumbling blocks and pitfalls in the everyday life of freelancers. And she tells you how to avoid them or how to master them. She knows the advantages of a self-determined life. And she knows how to secure your independence in the long run.

Martina Flor has the gift of sharing her experience and knowledge in such a way that her energy and zest for life are contagious. Just like you, she loves what she does. Only she does it in her own rhythm. Sets her own priorities. And she describes all this with such infectious enthusiasm that you will want to follow her lead. At the same time, she gives you the tools that will make you a successful entrepreneur. Because you are nothing else than a freelancer. And that sounds very appealing, doesn’t it?
You can dream of your own studio for the rest of your life–or you can take advantage of the times when everything changes anyway–and jump!

You are already self-employed, but things are not going well at the moment? Even then you can benefit from Martina Flor’s experience. She speaks openly about pricing and proposal preparation, about limiting and extending usage rights, about financial management and time planning and all those things that sound dry but ultimately decide whether you are satisfied with your creative routine or not. Seldom do founders speak so openly about their experiences; often money and reputation are considered company secrets. Not so with Martina Flor. She shares her knowledge generously. And at a retail price that is no obstacle, especially as it is tax deductible.


Verlag Hermann Schmidt

Format in cm (w × h × d)

15 x 21 cm


160 Seiten




Hardcover, fadengeheftet



Spring! Der Traum vom erfolgreichen eigenen Atelier – und der sichere Weg dorthin