

A wickedly self-deprecating view of today’s creative industry

Author: Laura Nadvornik

Schwarzdenker offers a wickedly self-deprecating view of today’s creative industry. For designers, for all the future potential designers, and for their parents trying desperately to prevent that.

The topics of the first edition: a relentless introspection; a revelation of scandalous practices in competitive business; a look outside where others get along quite well without design; about the manners of how designers treat each other and customers; a biting satire about designers as a species and a razor-sharp criticism of their thinking; the eternal dilemmas “art vs. Design” and “fame vs. success”; about fashionable “denglish” (German and English language mix) and the eternal same; about today’s fake news and the good old days; with anger about design education and with confidence in the future, about sustainability in print and real problems in procurement practice, and last but not least about money.


Publisher: Victoria Sarapina
Authors: Michaela Harnisch, Horst Moser, Olaf Leu, Kurt Weidemann, Silvia Werfel, Dr. Hans Jürgen Escherle, Jost Hochuli, Herbert Lechner, Rudolf Paulus Gorbach, Susanne Zippel, Christian Büning, Clemens Theobert Schedler, Peter Vetter, Joachim Kobuss, Bernd Weber, Christian Aumüller
Photographers: Kathrin Schäfer, Oleg Koscheletz, Dominik Parzinger
Illustration, Lettering, Infographics: Silja Götz, Frank Ramspott, Petra Wöhrmann, Peter Felder
Volume: 132 pages
Language: German
Format: 19 × 27 × 0.8 cm
Price: 13.– Euro


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