Slanted in Tokyo
Kiyonori Muroga
A year ago, the Slanted team dove into Tokyo—with their friends Renna Okubo and Ian Lynam preventing them from drowning—to take an intense look at the contrasting design scene. The Japanese capital is a unique place. With its clean streets, punctual transportation and polite service at every turn, Tokyo is more than just a well-run city. It unites cultural extremes: it is a city where the futuristic meets the traditional and tranquility meets speed. In the Slanted #31—Tokyo you can get a visual impression of the studios we visited during our journey.
Born in 1975, in Nagaoka City, Kiyonori Muroga started working as the editor of the graphic design magazine IDEA in 1999 at Seibundo Shinkosha Publishing, and edited a number of design and typography related books. He often contributes to design media and gives lectures at educational organizations. Muroga bridges “design and “dezain” (Japanese katakana).
Take a look at the Slanted Magazine #31—Tokyo to get an idea of Tokyo’s creative environment. Additionally you can find several video-interviews on our video platform to get a deeper insight in the designer’s thoughts.