
Atelier National de Recherche Typographique


Die Bewerbungsfrist für 2013/2014 an der ANRT ist leider schon vorbei. Trotzdem wollen wir euch auffordern, einen Blick auf das Post-Master's Programme in Frankreich zu werfen. Es wird bald wieder die Gelegenheit geben, sich zu bewerben.

Pressetext: ANRT is a post-master’s research programme in typography based at ENSA Nancy (École Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nancy) in France. The school 
is 60 minutes from Luxembourg, 90 minutes from Paris (by TGV) and 3 hours from Brussels, Frankfurt and Basel, in France’s fifth-largest university city. Located at the heart of north-eastern France – a region with a vibrant historic book culture – and close to the epicentre of typographic research in Europe (which describes an arc from Amsterdam to Zurich), ANRT operates within the ARTEM (ARt-TEchnologies-Management) alliance as an interdisciplinary project dedicated to typographic design.

The programme is open to art school graduates in visual communication and graphic design who have completed a master’s degree or equivalent (Bac +5 in France), and to designers, architects, professionals, artists, academics and even engineers or teachers who possess an equivalent level of knowledge – no age limit applies.

Atelier National de Recherche Typographique

École nationale supérieure d’art de Nancy

A l’attention de Catherine Tamborini
1 avenue Boffrand

BP 13129

54013 Nancy Cedex
