Facing Change
Dieser Fotoband erlaubt faszinierende Einblicke in das Amerika des 21. Jahrhunderts. Die von der Library of Congress geförderet Sammlung wird in diesem außergewöhnlichen Fotoband erstmals publiziert und kommentiert.
Ausgehend von wichtigen Themen und Ereignissen unserer Zeit, wie Immigration, Gesundheitsversorgung, Immobilienkrise, Kriege in Afghanistan und im Irak oder Naturkatastrophen wie der Wirbelsturm »Katrina«, dokumentiert diese von der amerikanischen Library of Congress geförderte Sammlung die Veränderungen im Amerika des 21. Jahrhunderts, gespiegelt in Tausenden von Porträts, Bildserien und Momentaufnahmen aus dem Alltag des wirtschaftlich mächtigsten Landes der Erde. Facing Change ergänzt die repräsentative Auswahl aus der umfangreichen Bildsammlung mit Werken von Danny Wilcox Frazier, Carlos Javier Ortiz oder Donna Ferrato durch Interviews mit Fotografie-Experten der Library of Congress sowie durch einführende Texte zum Werk der Fotografen und deren Biografien.
Facing Change – Documenting America
Verlag: Prestel
Gestaltung/Editorial: Leah Bendavid-Val
Umfang: 252 Seiten
Format: 25,4 x 27,9 cm
ISBN: 978-3-7913-4836-0
Preis: 55,00 Euro
Andrew Lichtenstein
In January 2005, members of the Third Battalion, Seventh Infantry Regiment, Fourth Brigade, Third Infantry Division prepare to deploy to Iraq for the second time. Sergeant Dave Tafolla and his wife, Tiffany, say good-bye.
Stanley Greene
The Deacon, age fifty-nine, and TCinque Sampson, age fifty-seven, are former street enforcers for drug dealers in Oakland. The Deacon was never busted. While an enforcer, he became a part-time barber, and now he barbers full-time. TCinque Sampson did twenty-two years in prison and now is a filmmaker.
Stanley Greene
Tyeshia Anderson’s daughter.
Donna Ferrato
Ferrato says this photograph shows the future of Tribeca: “The rich couple inside have their car and driver waiting for them. So different from the photo [page 96] of that woman standing outside on a rainy night on a rough and seedy street all patched with tar. It’s the place for the super rich. It’s peaceful, definitely peaceful. You can stand out in the street. You don’t have to worry about being run over. He’s brushing his teeth. Everybody feels safe.”
Carlos Javier Ortiz
About fifty people gather in remembrance on the Chicago block where Albert Vaughn was killed. Vaughn was known as Little Al, the neighborhood guardian. He was the older teenager who would play ball with the younger kids and try to keep them safe from trouble.
Carlos Javier Ortiz
After clearing a field, sweet potato pickers take a break, Kinston, North Carolina.
Andrew Lichtenstein
Texas prison inmates at work in a Trinity River Bottom cotton field, May 24, 2002.