
Fonts Catalog by Benoît Bodhuin


Benoît Bodhuin, Meister der kreativen Schriftgestaltung, präsentiert seine neusten Schriften in einem 12-seitigen Katalog, der voll von Inspiration für Type-Lover ist.

The catalog is a 200 numbered copies—380 x 560 mm (closed)—printed by the Imprimerie Parenthèses (Nantes) on Olin Bulk Gold papier 80 g/m².

Most of the fonts in the catalog are sold on his website, except 4: Scripture (design for an exhibition), Kiblind (for the magazine Kiblind), ABD Regular (designed for the Architect Belenfant-Daubas) and GroteskRemix (design for his web-site—currently not visible)

*Pipo (light, regular, medium et bold) ; ZIGZAG (rounded et not rounded) ; Marianne (inline, solid et outline) ; Mineral (solid, border, outline, blunt et smooth) ; Scripture (#1, #2 et #3) ; Side A (unit, half et third) ; GroteskRemix (regular et bold) ; Kiblind (magazine) ; bb-book A (light, regular, medium et bold) ; bb-book (condensed) ; Elastik (A, B, C et D) ; ABD Regular ; Brutal (light, regular et bold) ; bb-book B (light, regular, medium et bold)

Feel free and get your FONTSCATALOG on his website for 10 Euro + shipping.
