
Freefonts von Fourfivex


Die Initiative fourfiveX hat ihre Wurzeln in Darmstadt, wo sie 2004 von den damaligen Grafikdesignstudenten Tim Heiler und Alex Lis gegründet wurde. Immer wieder werden dort auch kostenlose Fonts zur Verfügung gestellt.

Fonts zum Download:

Dreieck RW by Alexander Lis

Riesig by Kai Bergmann

Diamant 2 by Alexander Lis

fourfiveX is an initiative for independent thoughts, products, design and art. Founded by Alexander Lis and Tim Heiler in 2005, fourfiveX was joined by Kai Bergmann in 2009.

fourfiveX.net presents creative research, experiments and stuff. 2010, Samuel Bänzinger and Katja Baumann are guest-contributing to fourfiveX.net.

We work in blogging, graphic design, art, drawing, concepts, text, type, photography, moving image and various other fields.
