Henri Matisse. Cut-Outs.
Anlässlich seines 60. Todestages und einer großen MoMA-Ausstellung erscheint eine neue Version des ersten Bandes von TASCHENs preisgekrönter XL-Edition, die die revolutionären Werke von Henri Matisse’ letzter Schaffensphase in einen ausführlichen historischen Kontext stellt. Mit seltenen Fotografien des Künstlers von Henri Cartier-Bresson und F.W. Murnau, sowie Texten von Matisse, den Dichtern Louis Aragon, Henri Michaux und Pierre Reverdy und Matisse’ Schwiegersohn Georges Duthuit.
Aus dem Pressetext: Towards the end of his monumental career as a painter, sculptor, and lithographer, an elderly, sickly Matisse was unable to stand and use a paintbrush for a longer period of time. In this late phase of his life – he was almost 80 years of age – he developed the technique of ‘carving into color’, creating bright, bold paper cut-outs. Though dismissed by some contemporary critics as the folly of a senile old man, these gouaches decoupées (gouache cut-outs) in fact represented a revolution in modern art, a whole new medium that re-imagined the age-old conflict between color and line.
This fresh, standard TASCHEN edition of our original prize-winning XL volume provides a thorough historical context to Matisse’s cut-outs, tracing their roots in his 1930 trip to Tahiti, through to his final years in Nice. It includes many photos of Matisse, some rare images, by Henri Cartier-Bresson and the filmmaker F.W. Murnau and text from Matisse, publisher E. Tériade, the poets Louis Aragon, Henri Michaux, and Pierre Reverdy, and Matisse’s son-in-law, Georges Duthuit.
In their deceptive simplicity, the cut-outs achieved both a sculptural quality and an early minimalist abstraction which would profoundly influence generations of artists to come. Exuberant, multi-hued, and often grand in scale, these works are true pillars of 20th century art, and as bold and innovative to behold today as they were in Matisse’s lifetime.
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© Alle Abbildungen: TASCHEN
Henri Matisse. Cut-Outs. Zeichnen mit der Schere
Herausgeber: Gilles Néret und Xavier-Gilles Néret
Veröffentlichung: 2014
Umfang: 334 Seiten
Format: 28,6 x 37,4 cm
Sprache: Deutsch
Ausführung: Hardcover mit Ausklappern
Preis: 49,99 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-8365-3628-8