
Imprimerie du Marais – Notebook II


Vor einiger Zeit hatten wir die erste Notebook-Kollektion der in Paris ansässigen Druckerei Imprimerie du Marais vorgestellt. Nun ist eine neue, zweite Edition von 8 Notebooks entstanden, zu der verschiedene Designbüros eingeladen wurden, diese individuell zu gestalten.


Mit der Notebook-Kollektion zeigt die Druckerei, was sie kann: Von goldener Heißfolienprägung über Prägungen oder Fadenheftungen und anderen wundervollen Details, lässt jedes Notebook die Herzen höher schlagen.


Gestaltet wurden die limitierten Notebooks von Anagrama, Bureau Mirko Brosche, Homework, Oliva Partel, Ouwn, Present Perfect, Research and Development und Studio Adriaan Mellegers.


Die Notebooks sind in einer hochwertigen Box zusammengefasst. Weitere Infos zum Projekt und detaillierte Informationen findet ihr unter

Slanted verlost 2 Boxen der Notebook-Kollektion. Um an der Verlosung teilzunehmen, schreibt eine Mail mit dem Betreff »Notebook II« und Angabe eurer vollständigen Postadresse (für den Versand) an [email protected]. Die Verlosung endet am Donnerstag, den 27.11.2014 um 11 Uhr. Wer an der Verlosung teilnimmt erklärt sich damit einverstanden, News von Slanted zu erhalten. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Viel Glück!

Notebook II

Gestaltung: Deutsche und Japaner
Herausgeber: Imprimerie du Marais
Veröffentlichung: 2014
Umfang: 8 Notebooks mit je 36 Seiten
Format: 15,5 x 10 x 5 cm
Ausführung: Box mit 8 Notebooks und zzgl. Begleitheft
Preis: 100 Euro




Notebook II is the second edition from the Imprimerie du Marais, a showcase of its skills and a laboratory of rare technics. The fine printer is used to provide cutting edge solutions to the most demanding clients. This project is an opportunity to push further people and machines.A box made in Paris with the savoir-faire and the passion of 1 printer and 8 designers.


Amazed by their work on the first edition, the Imprimerie du Marais offers Deutsche & Japaner the art direction of the project. They designed the packaging, the whole project identity and contributed to the selection of the studios.


Behind each notebook is a studio known for its very unic approach and chosen for its flair in using print technics as creative tools. They all had their own idea of the object and made 8 very different types of notebooks.


Paper partner of the Notebook edition, Arjowiggins Creative Papers has been challenged by international design on its iconic paper Conqueror along with the brand new Curious Matter.


Paris in 1954 was a cheeky city and, amongst the maze of craft wtorkshops in the Rue Chapon, number 16 was home to a print works boasting a fine display of lithographs, printed matter and rare books.

Charles Przedborski established the industrial operation of his dreams here in 1971, and instilled his passion into his son Jacky. Here he was initiated into the mysteries of the press, grappled with the demands of the offset process and learned to treat fonts with respect.

This highly-sophisticated expertise has been passed down from generation to generation, and Jacky has decided to expand operations by the installation of 3 new workshops: foiling, screen-printing and hand-finishing. Jacky directs his staff teams like a workroom foreman, finding stimulation in the demands of his designers and always looking for a more complex approach.

Today, this operation in the heart of Paris draws upon 50 years of experience and visionary solutions in fashion, art and design for the production of high-quality papers and the achievement of the most complex variations.

Photographer: severafrahm
Photographers Agent: iDm, Isabelle Décamps Management
