
Kalle Lasn, The Future of Design


Ein paar Claims. Viele Claims. Und ein paar Arbeiten aus dem Vortrag. Und immer wieder die Frage, WAS IST UNSERE AUFGABE?
Für mein Geschmack sehr viel Bestandsaufnahme, etwas weniger Vision. Im Kern aber unglaublich echt, real. Auch wenn schon wieder von der Zeit überhlot. Ich denke, die Uhren ticken noch schneller als er es uns zeigt, z.B. in den Ideen der PSYCHODESIGNS. (Fotos laden wir hoch sobald Akku der Kamera wieder voll!)

- The experiment of human being is hitting the wall.
- People come top British Columbia to see totaly undesigned space, to find a kind of mistical experience.
- We are lossing our clarity of mind.
- We designers are very powerfull people. We make the trends, we create fashion, style. We are the medium of the message. More than in any other profession, we have the power to change the world.
- Who are we? Are we corporate slaves? We have lost our storry line. We have lost our soul. Because of modernism. Modernism has somehow fucked us up. Modernism was born out of fear (after WW1). We are some who keep the capitalism in flow.
- In school, you are tought to kiss corporate ass. We designers have become prostitutes.
- We should learn how to play. Including this idea of nature in our work. Nature is a far better designer than I can ever be.
- We designers should do no harm.
- I would like to see some rougher books, see rougher magazines.
- We can be much more than decoraters.
- We have the power to change the world.

