Joe Newton nahm teil bei dem Poster-Wettbewerb Posterity, der ein Teil des größeren Projekts 50/50 – Make or brake ist, welches 50 verschiedene Aktionen startet, bei denen Spenden gesammelt werden, die Hungerleidenden in Ost-Afrika zu Gute kommen. Es hat sehr kreative Denkansätze, z.B. ein Six Minute Project, welches kalkuliert wieviel 6 Minuten deiner Zeit Wert sind. Dann wird man danach gefragt, ob man bereit ist, diesen Betrag zu spenden (oder den Wert einer Woche = 6 minutes per day). Bei dem Wettbewerb Posterity entstand eine limitierte Poster-Edition an Gicleé Prints, die auf aus 100% Baumwolltüchern bestehendem Archivpapier gedruckt wurden. Die Einnahmen werden gespendet.
Auf seiner Homepage beschreibt Joe Newton seine Arbeit mit den Worten: “I think every creative person wishes they could apply their talents to something that improves the world we live in. So when my friend Sheena Matheiken told me about a poster project to benefit the current famine in east Africa I of course said yes immediately. Sheena works for The Mill, an agency taking part in the overall project: 50/50 - Make or Break. 50 creatives and agencies have come up with their own unique approaches to raising funds for the crisis (…)
The subject, famine, is so loaded, we struggled coming up with the right tone. Sheena and her partner Monihan came up with the original concept based on a photo of Mogadishu from the 1950s. Here was an amazingly beautiful city, so far removed from the war-torn images we see today. What if that past could also be the future? Somalia: beautiful again. Not colonial Italian Somalia, but rather a brighter, better place? What if you could travel to that future?
Using another period image I designed a "travel poster.", and I felt like the design was attractive. But overall it was too pastiche for the purposes of this benefit. It looked too historical. Did this imply the past was better? Certainly 1950s Italian colonialism was not the picture of a better future.
(…)After all this, and with the clock ticking, Sheena, Monihan and I decided to revisit the original concept - the idea of a travel poster representing some place and time in the future. I took the typeface (Pilo by Kenneth Pilo) and enlarged it to fill the entire page. I took a low-res web photo of 1950s Mogadishu and rendered in Illustrator, then moved the layered file to Photoshop and added more color and texture, and overlayed the type. Photoshop created some exciting effects and I went through quite a few versions before reaching the final. Some variations and details are posted below.
It was a bit stressful but overall a very satisfying project. If you would like to help build this vision of the future you can buy the final poster (or any of the other designs). Or, find something else that suits your point of view - there are 49 other ways to contribute via the 50/50 Project. Visit 50/50 - Make of Break project.”