
Quirky Lunchbox


Quirky Lunchbox von Kimme Design ist eine handgezeichnete Schrift, die mit allerlei Extrazeichen und Ornamenten daher kommt. Auf MightyDeals.com gibt es die Schrift aktuell als Early-Bird-Offer mit 72% (!) Rabatt – somit kostet sie dort nur $17 anstatt $60. Aber Achtung, der Deal ist nur noch knapp 3 Tage verfügbar.

Pressetext: Lunchbox is a uniquely handdrawn typeface that gives infinite customizable options and a fully authentic look. Using Lunchbox’s OpenType features gives access to over 1,500 different characters. 

Contextual alternatives give each letter 4 different character styles, all cycling through each other to ensure that no two letters ever show up together. There is also a custom set of small caps, each with 4 style variations as well. Stylistic alternatives give an extra handdrawn flourish, loop and slight variation, also with 4 different styles per letter. Discretionary ligatures pertain to both regular all caps Lunchbox as well as stylistic alternatives. It takes special letters and gives a unique interaction with the characters around them, giving your design a unique and personalized look. Swashes also have four style variations to both the regular and stylistic alternatives, as well as lowercase letters with ascenders and descenders.

All of these options are available in Light, Regular and Bold and can be purchased with Lunchbox Ornaments for an extra element. If you do not use Opentype but are using a program that includes a full glyph panel, you will be able to access each of the style variations you want.

Quirky Lunchbox

Foundry: Kimme Design
Designer: Kimmy Kirkwood
Veröffentlichung: November 2013
Format: OpenType, Webfonts
Schnitte: 4 Schnitte von Light bis Bold + Ornaments
Preis pro Schnitt: regulär 25 $
Preis Familie: $60 
Aktionspreis MightyDeals: $17 für die ganze Familie

