


Stilson wurde nach dem Gründer der Washington Post, Stilson Hutchins, benannt. Eigentlich handelt es sich dabei um eine Ergänzung der Washington Post Headline-Schrift Postoni von Matthew Carter, die 2009 zum Redesign der Zeitung von Richard Lipton, Jill Pichotta und Dyana Weissman durch verfeinerte Display- und Condensed-Schnitte erweitert wurde.

Aus dem Pressetext: The story of Stilson begins with Postoni, the iconic headline face for The Washington Post.

Postoni is Matthew Carter’s interpretation of the Modern style exemplified by Bodoni’s types, but heavily informed by the requirements of a contemporary newspaper display face. As Carter remembers it, when Postoni was commissioned in 1997, “the decision had already been made at The Post to continue to set headlines ‘up style’ and to continue to use Bodoni. Postoni was an attempt to reduce the relative prominence of the capitals and give the face more modern proportions.”

The original is pretty sturdy for an ostensibly high-contrast style. The serifs are completely flat and unbracketed. It works best for medium display sizes, around 36 to 42 points, but holds up surprisingly well down to about 18 point. For The Post’s 2009 redesign, Richard Lipton, Jill Pichotta, and Dyana Weissman expanded the family with more refined Display and Display Condensed styles for use in even larger headlines (more info here).

The Display styles have a more pronounced contrast, with more delicate thin strokes and lightly cupped & bracketed serifs. They start to shine at around 72 point and maintain their elegance up into the 120+ point range.

For its release in Font Bureau’s Retail library in 2012, Postoni was renamed Stilson in honor of The Washington Post’s founder, Stilson Hutchins.

Release: 2012
Publisher: Fontbureau
Weights: 12 Weights, Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic, Display Regular, Display Italic, Display Bold, Display Bold Italic, Display Condensed Regular, Display Condensed Italic, Display Condensed Bold, Display Condensed Bold Italic

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