
The 2018 European Design Awards


Es ist wieder so weit, der European Design Award ruft Designer aus ganz Europa auf, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen. Ihr habt noch bis zum 16. Februar 2018 Zeit eure Arbeiten einzureichen. Viel Glück!

The 2018 European Design Awards is now officially open for entries. Designers from around Europe are invited to begin their submissions, which can be made before February 16th, 2018. The European Design Awards is an annual event, bringing together the best examples of communication design in Europe. As a joint initiative by the major communication design magazines on the continent, it is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious design awards in Europe. 

Submitted works are evaluated by a jury who are drawn from representatives of the leading design media in Europe. The jury members are all design editors, publishers, critics, and academics who curate communication design on a daily basis. This makes them the most highly qualified design award jury in Europe. In addition to the jury, an observer is also appointed by the International Council of Design (ico-D), to ensure the integrity of the judging process. 

Submissions are carefully evaluated throughout March—the winners will be notified at the beginning of April. There is an official European Design Festival and Award Ceremony held later in the year in Oslo, Norway in June 2018.

The registration page and more informations can be found here.
Deadline for submissions is February 16th, 2018.
