
Verlosung: Fluid Rhythms – Open Set Summer School


Die offizielle Bewerbungsphase zur Open Set Summer School – Fluid Rythms, die vom 15–25. August 2018 in Amsterdam stattfindet ist beendet. Wir verlosen unter unseren Lesern eine Wild Card für die Summer School im Wert von €900,-! Das intensive Programm besteht aus Workshops und Lectures, die sich dem vibrierenden Leben im Amsterdamer Stadtteil Bijlmer widmen.

Das müsst ihr tun, um die Wild Card zu gewinnen:

Schreibt eine Email mit dem Betreff »Open Set Summer School 2018« an [email protected] bis Freitag, den 27. Juli 2018, 11 Uhr. Der oder die GewinnerIn werden dann ausgelost. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. Mit eurer Teilnahme erklärt ihr euch mit der Datenschutzerklärung von Slanted einverstanden. Viel Glück!

Mehr Infos zur Summer School findet ihr hier


Life in the city both repeats itself, and is constantly changing. Situated in the Bijlmer, one of Amsterdam’s neighborhoods, Open Set launches a new programme, dedicated to exploring the potential of rhythm in the city. The movement of bodies in space; financial transactions; the circulation of sounds, cells, and smells; changing social constructs that divide and connect people; the flow of microscopic substances—such looping patterns generate dynamic complex structures, or ‘rhythms’, that shift over time. In the words of Caroline Nevejan: “where there is rhythm, there is life”. Understanding and working with such dynamic complexities requires careful attunement to the interactions between social, imagined, and physical realms. 

Open Set is looking for artists, designers and scholars to join this international and interdisciplinary programme that investigates the potential of rhythm-led practices as common ground for research and artistic work. This means both providing tools to perceive rhythms, as well as tools to tap into their generative potential. Rhythms occur on multiple levels at the same time, in the macro-level structures of the city, within the cells of bodies, and in the interconnections between mind, emotion, brain and heartbeats. By investigating the intertwined patterns of change, a world of subtle complexity starts to reveal itself to us in how humans, machines, animals and microbes interact and coexist. 

Design & artistic interventions can take on any form, whether they are sound, food or image-based formats, performances or digital applications — offering the opportunity to discover new, invisible or forgotten rhythms, to find the points of friction and blind spots and to transform and harness the power for social and ecological change. Eventually, working with rhythms is a way of synchronizing our efforts in acting and living together in a network society.


Local & Scientific Partners

All events are hosted and supported by the municipality and local cultural centres, and informed by people actively involved in the life of local communities. The principal scientific partner is the research group Designing Rhythm for Social Resilience (2018–2022), with affiliated institutions OIS Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.

The programme is made possible by the support of City of Amsterdam Zuidoost, Het Pauwhof Fonds, CBK Zuidoost.

