
Worthe Numerals


Worthe Numerals ist bei House Industries erschienen! Die Ziffern bringen neuen Schwung in den öden Zahlenalltag. Mit den alternativen Schlagschatten funktionieren sie auch in kleinen Punktgrößen, wobei sie am schönsten zum Ausdruck kommen, wenn man ihnen ihren Platz gönnt.

Aus dem Pressetext: Worthe Numerals come out of a time-tested development cycle where House Industries employees ask “What if this could be just a little more...”. After pushing traditional didot forms to the limit, these digits were originally applied to a set of wood blocks. But, who says replenishable Michigan-grown basswood should have all the fun? So we added everything one needs to stylishly set their current currency and credit default swap hedges, while also being able to set the appropriate fractional take from their blog’s micropayment structure. 

Foundry: House Industries 
Schnitte: Numerals, Drop Shadow
Preis: $49.00


