The Neubad Plakat

A Contemporary Design Phenomenon
We are glad to introduce to you our publication The Neubad Plakat—A Contemporary Design Phenomenon, which is out today! In the Swiss province,…

Internship at Slanted Publishers—apply now!

Du liebst Typografie und Editorial Design und möchtest in einem internationalen Verlag arbeiten? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir vergeben…

Get Ready for The AI Revolution With LABASAD

Barcelona School of Arts and Design
If you work in design and creativity, in 2023 you have probably asked yourself this question: will AI take my job? Can…

Slanted in Amsterdam: The Rodina

Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam
For its 41st issue, Slanted checked out Amsterdam’s design scene and visited a selection of the city’s most brilliant minds—creatives and designers…

Open Eyes Mainz 2023

Tour of Mainz’s Creative and Media Industries
Open Eyes Mainz 2023 is a project of the Mainz University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Designforum Rheinland-Pfalz, the business…


Textiles So Good, Even the Waste From Production Is Certified as Skincare
Textile producer AIZOME’s innovative ULTRA dyeing method not only produces textiles that are healthy but also waste that’s healthy, which they are…

ADC Festival 2023

Change the World With Creativity
The ADC Festival 2023, from June 13th to 16th in Hamburg, will showcase spectacular cases that have changed the world, whilst exploring…

CXI Conference 2023

For the 13th time, the CXI Conference 2023, Europe’s biggest Brand-Identity and Corporate-Design conference, took place on May 26th at Lokschuppen Bielefeld.…

Typeface of the Month: Latino Gothic

By Latinotype
Our Typeface of the Month: Latino Gothic is the result of two years of hard work by the Latinotype design team under the…

Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte

Jahrestagung 2023
The conference program for the annual conference of Gesellschaft für Designgeschichte is online. On Friday morning (June 2th, 2023), as a pre-program,…

Postertown goes Postercity

Posters for the Neubad Lucerne
In mid-June, the exhibition Postertown goes Postercity opens in Berlin accompanying our publication The Neubad Plakat, which will be published soon. “In…

European Design Festival 2023

Luxembourg City
From May 31st to June 4th, Luxembourg City will host the European Design Festival 2023. Design Luxembourg, the association that organizes the…

Design Month Graz

This year we had again the pleasure to be invited to the opening of Design Monat Graz (Design Month Graz), which takes…

The New Tetra Collection From NOMOS Glashütte

A Square Style Statement
We would like to introduce the new Tetra Collection from NOMOS Glashütte. With their untranslatable German names and eye-catching dials, these four…

Some Magazine #16—Action

A Magazine for Visual Inventors
We are thrilled to introduce the Some Magazine #16—Action. Since 2010, changing editorial teams of young design students research, write, layout, and…

munich creative business week (mcbw)

Why Disruption Unleashes Creativity
Germany’s largest design event, the munich creative business week (mcbw) organized by bayern design, will be held for the 12th time in…

Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

Spring / Summer 2023
The Slanted team went to Amsterdam to check out the design scene and fell for the charm of the city’s century-old “bruine…

Dafi Kühne: Buchdruckplakate?

Exhibition at the Museum Für Druckkunst Leipzig
The exhibition Dafi Kühne: Buchdruckplakate? at the Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig features around 100 letterpress posters. For his designs, Dafi Kühne uses…

Unveiling Session: Slanted Magazine #41—Amsterdam

At Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum
Join us for the launch of Slanted magazine’s 41st issue at Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum in Amsterdam on April 28th, 2023, from 7–9 p.m.…

Das gewöhnliche Design

Facsimile of the Original Edition From 1979
Das gewöhnliche Design (The ordinary Design) is a hidden classic of German design history, something the vinyl era would have called a…


Magazine About Design and Visual Culture in the Gobal South
Safar is an annual bilingual design and visual culture magazine published in Beirut, Lebanon. The name Safar is Arabic for “journey” and…

Anfachen Award VII

Poster Contest
The Anfachen Award VII has launched its call for submissions. This time it’s about how you perceive, interpret, and artistically implement the…
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